Promoting CPA offers in beginning may be a tedious task for any of the CPA marketers at the starting phase:
Though, the right approach may help you get a lot of profit. I will mention some practical techniques to give a start with 0$ investment.
( Imp: Decide what type of offers you will be promoting)
Step 1: Make Social Media Channel
. Twitter- Search of similar groups and at least follow 100 people a day ( unfollow-follow-unfollow)
. Instagram- Search for similar groups and targeted audience, follow 100 people a day at least ( unfollow-follow-unfollow)
. Pinterest- Make an attractive board. Use free tools like canvas to design good-looking images.
Step 2: Collect Emails
. There are various Email extracting software for free on internet use those software ( Recommended: Mozilla Thunderbird )
. Exchange emails with other marketers ( use Facebook groups)
. Use Browsers extensions for email extraction
. Make multiple accounts of free email service providers like Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail etc and send emails for free . ( Gmail gives 500 emails for free per account. 10 accounts= 5000 emails daily)
. Gain knowledge about SMTP server and how it works on email marketing.
. COnfigure SMTP server of Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail etc
. Send free emails
Step 3: Use Content publishing platforms
. Use forums like Warrior Forum , publish your articles
. Steemit, Medium etc are the great platforms for free content marketing.
Step 4:
. Start using free tools like Weebly, Wix or Wordpress for website designing ( no coding )
. Learn Digital garage ( a free course of google that gives a certificate as well)
. Learn at least one new idea a day
For further assistance:
Please contact me: for software and secret tips and ideas about CPA and Affiliate marketing. Good luck!