"In those years, the economy began to throb, the residents of Arun village were influenced by the Oil and Gas workers, who worked at Mobil Oil Inc. Every day, dozens of luxury cars Mercedes Benz, BMW and etc. Also expatriates, "said Nazaruddin, a resident of Arun Village.
The discovery of liquefied natural gas was found in Arun Village, in 1971, it was then that oil and natural gas drilling started in North Aceh, which was capitalized by Lhokseumawe, and read the link here http://www.exxonmobil.co.id/id-id/company/about-us/history-inindonesia/our-history-in-indonesia
Photo courtesy
Tunis Lsk facebook
North Aceh has enormous potential of mining in the world, especially natural gas. The exploration is located in other regency such as: Syamtalira Aron, Tanah Luas and Matangkuli.
Source: Monographic Region of Aceh Utara District, published by Directorate General of Agriculture and Food Crops 1982/1983
In the Document: Monograph of Aceh Utara District, published by Direkorat General of Agriculture and Food Crops 1982/1983 also mentioned that the oil and gas mines are managed by Nasioanal Company, State Oil Company which acronim of "Pertamina".
In the document also mentioned at that time, North Aceh area of 5,944.80 cubic kilometers with population according to the census of 1971 as many as 481,632 people spread in 23 districts, 91 settlements, and 1,432 village from Tanah Jambo Aye to (the east) East and Samalanga (western part) bordering Pidie District. District Syamtalira Aron at that time an area of 26 km2 with a population of 8,594 inhabitants.
Photo courtesy
Sura Aceh facebook
"In 1974, Arun Company was established with Pertamina 55% shareholder, Mobil Oil Inc. 30%, while Liquid Natural Gas purchase controction is Japan Indonesia LNG Company (JILCO) with 15% interest Arun Company is made to" supporting system "to operate factories that process natural gas into LPG, then exported to certain countries, "
(My interview with former Public Relation Division, Mr. Irwandar, August, 2017).
In the beginning, Arun's company only built 3 Production Units (Train 1, 2, 3), only at the end of 1974 by US-based foreign company Bechtel Inc. building its construction with a capacity of 1.2 million tons of LNG per unit / year. Initially Mulanya, the Arun company only produced condensate in May 1977 as a by-product. 5 months later, precisely on October 14, 1977 then there is the first shipment of condensate to Japan.
"People's markets in the city of Lhikseumawe, also live 24 hours, as well as entertainment, Pubs, Hotels sprang up because there is a residential staff Mobil Oil Inc, most workers from various outside countries, now a campus University Malikussaleh. So also the workers who live in the Complex Employees Housing Company Arun shop in Batuphat Market, District Muara Dua. "Said Mustafa, citizens of East Batuphat.
On September 19, 1978. The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Soeharto came to Lhokseumawe City, inaugurated the Arun NGL Co. The first LNG production results from Train 1, 2, 3. On October 4, 1978 for Japan made the initial purchase kit.
(My interview with Mr. Ismuhadi Ibrahim, former marketing officer, Exxon Mobil Inc, May, 2017)
That time, Lhokseumawe dubbed "Petro Dollar City" because the sale of LNG generate billions of USD USD also read the following link why is called "City of Petro Dollar" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lhokseumawe
To increase production 3 million tons mmbtu/year, for export to East Japan. In early 1982, Arun Refinery was built in 2 "train again" (Train 4 and 5). "Train" 4 and 5 started the first shipment in 1983/1984. In 1986 there was another Train 6 and South Korea as a buyer.
In February 1987 again built LPG plant with production capacity, 1.6-1.7 million tons of LPG /year. In August 1988 just started production of LPG.
Peak, in 1994 the production reached 224 vessels or 16.5 million tonnes mmbtu, LNG. In 1999 the Arun NGL plant produced condensate from the North Sumatra Offshore (NSO) field. In 1995 the supply of gas fields in Arun Village, Aceh Utara decreased so that LNG and LPG production decreased. In 2001, LPG production ended.
In October, 2014 Arun Company, officially stopped production and made the final shipment. Check out the history of Petro Dollar City.
City "Steem Dollar"
"How Steemit? How much Dollar already? You already have how many Dollar Steem?
In coffee shops, in offices, campuses even in the village every day people ask about the World "Steemit Development" and others ".
Some would buy" SBD me "in which coffee shop can pay with SBD read my previous post at https://steemit.com/promo-steem/@zulfadliekawom/discussion-about-steemit-in-lhokseumawe-town-why-steemian-in-indonesia-most-in-lhokseumawe-town-aceh-or-discussion-about-steemit-20171012t22163682z
Personal collection photo
That's what I hear every time in the mouths of residents of Lhokseumawe City.
Here though the great people in Steemit, like @Ned, @donkeyponk, @good-karma, @curie, @blocktraders, @sweetsssj, talked about, as if they had met them in person. For example here the information of the whales in Steemit very quickly spread, for example @sweetsssj famous "traveler" will visit the island of Sabang, Aceh.
Since April 2016 the people of Lhokseumawe City have started to play Steemit, visible from the account on behalf of @anasz. September 2016 begin to evolve began to emerge other Steemian in Lhokseumawe City such as @vannoer @safar01, @abudar @steemvest17, @curiesea, @teukumukhlis and @keuudeip.
According to them at that time the topic is discussed cryptocurrency, we try to offer photography, nature, history, the last many said @safar01. At that time the Steemians from China (cn) and Korea (kr) had not yet appeared, @curiesea added. By 2016 there are about 11 Acehnese living in the city of Lhokseumawe including @levycore, @steemvest17. In 2016, tribute "aceh" was once above China-cn, closed @safar01, in an interview with them at the Syarif Delima Coffe Shop, a month ago. Now maybe, just my asumption, there are about 500 more accounts original Steemian Lhokseumawe.
In this case, Steemit's history in Aceh, I just recorded on my smartphone pieces fragments of fragments. May my chains be able to write intact about 'The History of Steemit in Aceh. Also I hope to the friends who mentioned account above, in order to provide information if there is my mistake in recorded.
Personal collection photo
Currently, in the city of Lhokseumawe, people are already familiar with Steem Dollar, whether it is withdrawal, trading and others. In fact I myself do not need to bring cash if to the coffee shop, just transfer SBD, read my previous article in this link https://steemit.com/promo-steem/@zulfadliekawom/one-more-my-recommendation-this-coffee-shop-can-pay-with-sbd-or-one-more-recommend-me-coffee-shop-this-can-pay-with-20171011t213429937z
Personal collection photo
My other friend paid his motorbike service fee with SBD, because the mechanics are Steemian, I also have experience paying "service laptop" with SBD to @muftikutink. According to me the presence of "Steem Dollar" began to affect the economy in the city of Lhokseumawe.
Personal collection photo
Just how to convince "local investors" to be willing to invest by buying "steem" as did China and Korea, they can why Aceh is not?
Thank for reading feel free to follow, vote an Re-esteem if you find useful
Lhokseumawe, dari Kota "Petro Dollar" ke "Kota Steem Dollar"
"Tahun-tahun itu, ekonomi maayarakat mulai berdenyut, kedai-kedai warga di desa Arun dipehuhi para pekerja Minyak dan Gas, yang bekerja pada Mobil Oil Inc. Setiap hari, puluhan mobil mewah mMercedes Benz, BMW dan lain-lain berjejer. mulai dari Merci, BMW, dan lainnya. Juga para ekspatriat,” ujar Nazaruddin , warga Desa Arun.
Penemuan gas alam cair ditemukan di Desa Arun, pada tahun 1971, masa itulah dimulai pengeboran minyak dan gas alam di Aceh Utara, yang beribukota Lhokseumawe, selnjutnya baca link disini http://www.exxonmobil.co.id/id-id/company/about-us/history-in-indonesia/our-history-in-indonesia
Aceh Utara mempunyai potensi yang sangat besar bidang pertambangan di dunia, terutama gas bumi. Ekplorasi berlokasi di bebarap kecamatan diantaranya: Syamtalira Aron, Tanah Luas dan Matangkuli.Sumber: Monografi Daerah Kabupaten Aceh Utara, diterbitkan oleh Direkorat Jenderal Pertanian dan Tanaman Pangan 1982/1983
Dalam Dokumen: Monografi Daerah Kabupaten Aceh Utara, diterbitkan oleh Direkorat Jenderal Pertanian dan Tanaman Pangan 1982/1983 juga menyebutkan tambang-tambang migas tersebut dikelola Perusahaan Nasioanal yaitu Perusahaan Minyak Negara yang berakronim "Pertamina".
Dalam dokumen itu juga disebutkan pada masa itu, Aceh Utara luasnya 5.944,80 Km2 dengan jumlah penduduk menurut sensus tahun 1971 sebanyak 481.632 jiwa tersebar di 23 kecamatan, 91 kemukiman, dan 1.432 gampông dari Tanah Jambo Aye sampai (bagian timur) berbataaan dengan Kabupaten Aceh Timur dan Samalanga (bagian barat) berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Pidie. Kecamatan Syamtalira Aron kala itu seluas 26 Km2 dengan jumlah penduduk 8.594 jiwa.
"Pada tahun 1974, Perusahaan Arun didirikan dengan pemegang saham Pertamina 55% , Mobil Oil Inc 30%, sementara kontrak pembelian Liquid Natural Gas yaitu Japan Indonesia LNG Company (JILCO) dengan saham 15%. Perusahaan Arun dibuat untuk "supporting system" untuk mengoperasikan pabrik yang mengolah gas alam menjadi LPG, kemudian diekspor ke negara tertentu,”
(Wawancara saya dengan mantan Bagian Hubungan Masyarakat, Tuan Irwandar, Agustus, 2017 lalu).
Awalanya, perusahaan Arun, hanya membangun 3 Unit Produksi (Train 1, 2, 3), baru pada akhir 1974 pihak perusahaan asing yang berbasis di USA , Bechtel Inc. membanguh konstruksinya dengan kapasitas 1,2 juta ton LNG per unit/tahun. Awalnya Mulanya, perusahaan Arun hanya memproduksi kondensat Mei 1977 sebagai produk sampingan. 5 bulan kemudian, tepatnya pada tanggal 14 Oktober 1977 barulah ada pengapalan perdana kondensat ke Jepang.
“Pasar-pasar rakyat di Kota Lhokseumawe, juga hidup 24 jam, juga berbagai hiburan, Pub, Hotel bermunculan karena ada komplek perumahan karaywan Mobil Oil Inc, kebanyakan pekerja dari berbagai negara luar, yang kini menjadi Kampus Universitas Malikussaleh. Begitu juga para pekerja yang tinggal di Komplek Perumahan Karyawan Perusahaan Arun berbelanja di Pasar Batuphat, Kecamatan Muara Dua." Kata Mustafa, warga Batuphat Timur.
Pada Tanggal 19 September 1978. Presiden Republik Indonesia, Soeharto datang ke Kota Lhokseumawe, meresmikan Pabrik pengolah Arun NGL Co . Hasil produksi LNG pertama dari Train 1, 2, 3. Pada tanggal 4 Oktober 1978 untuk Jepang membuat kitrak pembelian perdana.
(Wawancara saya dengan Tuan Ismuhadi Ibrahim, mantan pegawai pemasaran, Exxon Mobil Inc, Mei, 2017)
Masa itulah, Lhokseumawe dijuluki "Kota Petro Dollar" lantaran hasil penjualan LNG menghasilkan milyaran $USD baca juga link berikut mengapa disebut "Kota Petro Dollar" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lhokseumawe
Untuk meningkatkan produksi 3 juta ton mmbtu/tahun, untuk diekspor ke Jepang Timur. Pada awal 1982, Kilang Arun di bangun 2 "train lagi" (Train 4 dan 5). "Train" 4 dan 5 memulai pengapalan pertama pada tahun 1983/1984. Pada tahun 1986 dibangun lagi satu "Train" lagi yaitu "Train 6" dan Korea Selatan sebagi pembelinya.
Bulan Februari Tahun 1987 dibangun lagi Pabrik LPG dengan kapasitas produksi, 1.6-1,7 juta ton LPG/tahun. Agustus 1988 baru dimulai produksi LPG.
Puncaknya, tahun 1994 produksi mencapai 224 kapal atau 16,5 juta ton mmbtu, LNG. Pada tahun 1999 pabrik Arun NGL memproduksi kondensat dari lapangan North Sumatra Offshore (NSO). Tahun 1995 pasokan dari ladang gas di Desa Arun, Aceh Utara menipis sehingga produksi LNG dan LPG menurun. Pada tahun 2001, produksi LPG berakhir.
Pada bulan Oktober, 2014 Perusahaan Arun, resmi berhenti produksi dan melakukan pengapalan terakhir. Tamtlah riwayat "Kota Petro Dollar"..
Kota "Steem Dollar"
"Bagaimana Steemit? Berapa Dollar sudah? Kamu sudah punya berapa Dollar Steem? Ada yang mau beli "SBD saya" di kedai kopi mana yang bisa bayar dengan SBD baca postingan saya sebelumnya di https://steemit.com/promo-steem/@zulfadliekawom/discussion-about-steemit-in-lhokseumawe-town-why-steemian-in-indonesia-most-in-lhokseumawe-town-aceh-or-diskusi-tentang-steemit-20171012t22163682z
Di kedai-kedai kopi, di kantor-kantor, kampus bahkan di kampung saban hari orang bertanya tentang Dunia "Perkembangan Steemit" dan lain-lain".
Itulah yang saya dengar setiap saat di mulut warga Kota Lhokseumawe.
Di sini walaupun orang besar di Steemit, seperti@Ned, @donkeyponk, @good-karma, @curie, @blocktraders, @sweetsssj, dibicarakan, seolah-olah sudah pernah bertemu langsung dengan mereka. Misalnya disini informasi para paus di Steemit sangat cepat menyebar, contonhya, @sweetsssj yang terkenal "traveller" akan mengunjungi Pulau Sabang, Aceh dalam waktu dekat.
Sejak April 2016 orang Kota Lhokseumawe sudah mulai main Stesmit, terlihat dari akun atas nama@anasz. September tahuh 2016 terlihat mulai berkembang mulai muncul Steemian lain di Kota Lhokseumawe seperti@vannoer@safar01,@abudar@steemvest17,@curiesea,@teukumukhlis dan@keuudeip.
Menurut mereka pada masa itu topiknya yang dibahas cryptocurrency, kami mencoba menawarkan photography, nature, history. Terakhir banyak yang suka kata @safar01. Pada masa itu Steemian dari Cina(cn) dan Korea(kr) belum muncul, tambah @curiesea.
Tahun 2016 ada sekitar 11 orang Aceh yang tinggal di Kota Lhokseumawe termasuk@levycore, kata@steemvest17. Tahun itu, taging "aceh" pernah di atas Cina-cn, tutup @safar01, dalam wawancara dengan mereka di Kedai Kopi Syarief Delima, sebulan lalu. Kini mungkin, hanya asusmsi saya, ada sekitar 500 lebih akun asli Steemian Lhokseumawe.
Dalam hal, sejarah Steemit di Aceh ini, saya hanya mencatat di smartphone saya potongan-potongan kisah sepenggal-sepenggal. Semoga kedapan saya bisa menulis dengan utuh tentang 'Sejarah Steemit di Aceh'. Juga saya harapakan kepada teman-teman yang sebutkan akunnya diatas, agar memberi keterangan, andai ada kesilapan saya dalan mencatat.
Saat ini, di Kota Lhokseumawe, orang sudah tebiasa dengan Steem Dollar, baik itu cara penarikan, trading dan lain-lain. Malah saya sendiri sekarang tidak perlu bawa uang kontan kalau ke kedai kopi, cukup transfer SBD, baca tulisan saya sebelumnya di link ini https://steemit.com/promo-steem/@zulfadliekawom/one-more-my-recommendation-this-coffee-shop-can-pay-with-sbd-or-satu-lagi-rekomendasi-saya-kedai-kopi-ini-yang-bisa-bayar-dengan-20171011t213429937z
Teman saya lainnya malah membayar biaya servis sepeda motornya dengan SBD, karena mekaniknya Steemian, saya juga punya pengalaman membayar "service laptop" dengan SBD ke@muftikutink. Menurut saya kehadiran "Steem Dollar" mulai berdampak bagi ekonomi di Kota Lhokseumawe.
Tinggal bagaimana meyakinkan "investor lokal" agar mau berivestasi dengan membeli "steem" seperti yang dilakukan Cina dan Korea, mereka bisa mengapa Aceh tidak?
Terimakasih sudah membaca
Steemit matching that ngoen budaya keurija mayoritas geutanyoe Aceh lawetnyoe: Peng beujai, buet bek brat. 😀
Beutoi@musyawirwaspada,haha..goe cangkoy tanyoe panyang,,
Bagus tu idenya, semoga perkembangan digitalisasi mata uang mendapatkan respon yang baik bagi pemerintah, sehingga investasi bisa dilakukan secara digital. Posting yang menarik Bang @zulfadliekawom...
Semoga bang@yusrizalhasbi..mudah2 ada yang mau ivetasi nantinya..sigoe ji vote awak aceh 5 neuk ji ek hehe
Bereh, great article for beginner steemian.
Thank you@fattay18
Nyoë ka lôn follow gata beuh ... :)