OK - here's some feedback:
We reward and support the worldwide network of voluntaryists who are actively promoting and growing Steem and the Steemit platform.
I was hoping for a nice summary at the top of what the site really does. I was boggled by the word "voluntaryists". :-D Is the word you are looking for "volunteers"? In any case, this intro sentence is your most important one, and it didn't make much sense to me.
What is it, really? My guess is:
"Low-cost event promotion, by leveraging the power of the Steem network"
If that is what it is, I am very interested! That's a powerful thing, which will pull people into the Steem network. I think you want to use as "non-jargon" as possible. I don't think you want to talk about "Whales" and such, because that will drive some of your potential users away. Why?
I do not thing your average promoter cares about such things! Save that for "Advanced Steem-Promo Features" -- in other words, tell them about it later after they are signed up.
Just my advice. Best of luck in your endeavors.
I do understand what you mean.... by voluntaryists, we mean people who realise that they have taken it upon themselves to be promoters. They aren't paid, told what to do, contracted or otherwise. They are people who see the value in promoting, for themselves, and their communities. Of course, this initiative will bring together many people who can be mobilised en masse. But for now, I think we do mean voluntaryists. I hope that makes sense. And thank you so much for your thoughts. We do need to be able to address them all, and ensure it makes sense to everyone who's involved.
You are welcome to steemit bro