This is GREAT news! in order to contact us (if you need) you can call @stephenkendal's bat phone on 07546 957973 also @tumutanzi and @artonmysleeve, what are your Tshirt sizes as we will give you free steemit t-shirts for coming along!
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I'm in a xxl t-shirt size mate, put weight on after getting married. lol cheers. I will be there on wednesday at 11am I have to get my doughter at 3.30pm so I will be leaving in time to get her. looking forward to this. sounds like a lot of fun. If your around on saturday the 30th we are having a meet up too if you fancy coming :)
Good, I will join your event at Sheffield University (the Student Union) at 11:00 am. See you guys then and there.
Sure, then we have a meetup on 30 September.