Because sometimes gifts that one receives,
both tangible and intangible,
in one's passage through this life
Are . Just . Too . Cool . For . Words!
I really was thrilled
(this is a selfie of me being thrilled)
to see so many new and older
at Steemeet #3 in Athens
So, as a small gesture,
overwhelmed as I am by all you awesome innovators
( does @skapaneas's gift possibly represent me being overwhelmed? LOL )
at the bleeding-edge
of bringing in a true renaissance
for the Greek economy
And in the hopes that
I will be sending one thousand bitshares ( )
to each and every one of you champions
who attended Steemeet #3 in Athens
and who comments to this post
with their bitshares account receiving address (ie. name)
!!! before this post pays out in 7 days !!!
Eligible for this giveaway are:
@alinaki15 @tkappa @unshakeable @filotasriza3 @annadeda @minfflight @akriviblack @antitrp @ariann-qu @rouketas @loveisintheair @nikosnitza @juki @otsouvalas @zkalemiss @chrisgr @dimitra @anna89 @andyblack @trumpan @ruth-girl @onceuponatime @mariaentela @skapaneas @alx.magentio @nikoleondas @evimeria @nikossa1908 @iliasdiamantis
If you were there, but are not in the list above, you are also eligible if @skapaneas confirms to me your presence there :-)
Since one thousand bitshares are currently valued at over $300US, it is worth your while to get a bitshares account if you don't already have one:
The giveaway will only be sent to accounts on the bitshares DEX, and NOT to accounts on centralized exchanges.
Freedom requires Decentralization!
ouzo and out
EXACTLY!!!! The Champions of Steemit !!!
@liondani Time for revolution
Wow! I would call you the godfather of bitshares,...unfortunately that title has already been taken;)
Is "Uncle" of bitshares taken?
Hahahahaha how about "grandfather"? That should be higher than "godfather" i suppose.
Makes me sound too old LOL
Uncle will have to do.
I prefer 'godbrother' considering you remind me of that generous sibling who has the gift of creative genius; and, generosity.
Great post!
Btw, your support for BTS is encouraging. It's a crypto that has been getting a lot of optimism per its future. It's been around a minute. What do you think will be the spark that gets it 'growing' with less volatility?
Hahahaha i like your sense of humour. Uncle it is then.
Hahahhahaha.... This is quite funny... Godfather, Grandfather, Uncle of bitshares.... All join.. LOL
Too bad I don't have a MILLION dollar vote to give to this post. Seeing Lord Vader wearing his mask, literally gave me chills and brought tears in my eyes....I want to warn all the pretenders of the resistance that Darth Vader is back and he will kick some ass, again!

PS. On a more serious note, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. You have been a blessing for all the Greek community.
PS2. I am saving the photo and send it to my son right now. He thinks that Lord Vader is a non-existent person and that his dad is silly to believe such things. He has to see with his own eyes that his dad would never lie to him every time he convinced him to dress like you my Lord :))))))

Your bitshares address?
I was so excited seeing you with the mask of Lord Vader that I didn't even think of the gift.
t-kappa is my bitshares name!
PS. I will need your steemit wisdom and enlightenment at some point. Loutraki or Nafplio, you pick! I am willing to "bribe" you with a big bottle of EXCELLENT extra-virgin oil of our olive trees :P
Wow, this post is turning into a 'feel good' post on steroids!
Great offer. Of course, the oil sounds a lot better than the 'bar'; but, a thank you is a thank you, I suppose! :+)
How about you take me to that bar you told me about that I haven't seen yet.
We got a deal. Pick the sunniest noon of the week and it's on Mr. Vader ;)
Very funny how children react to issues nowadays
You are truly amazing and generous.
What a beautiful gathering! Let's have another when I come over in the spring to teach a Sacred Feminine Worshop. I'd love to connect with Steem community in person.
Hey, I haven't told my Greek lady friends how fabulous you are yet! I have been a little busy lately, but I'll be doing it soon!
That's a really nice gesture for someone that for as long as I am in steemit is supporting our Greek community in so many ways!
You may forgot it or you don't want but just a friendly reminder to those that don't have an account yet, that they can always use your bitshares referral to signup👇
Thankyou. I always forget to do that!
I can confirm that.😎
I remember the first time I stumbled upon bitshares it was in a post of yours when you offered our first 10 BTS to register...with a referral, which was apparently wrongly typed because you never made it as my referal😂
Oh well.
No big deal.
Just one less LTM under your bitshares belt😜
(at least officially 😎)
I just edited the post to include your suggestion. Thank you!
Cool, all I wanted was to brag that I just became a LTM😁😎
You are really such a very nice man @onceuponatime Please keep up the good work 💋💋💋💋
I just returned from the dentist whoever need help to create a bitshares account I will be online and reachable to help through. I also forgot @avtzis.petros. I am upvoting this for visibility. You can find me on our discord channel for the greek-trail or through a reply to this post.
edit: I just guide people through the process of creating the backup files that are important for the safety of your bitshares wallet. So if you are a newbie please reach for me before you lose access at your gift.
I already guided through this some people that are eligible for the gift. Get informed and stay safe.
You are really a kind hearted person @onceuponatime and the kind of gesture you extended is really phenomenal and I was curious to see you in the pic but unable to figure you out.
Once more, you've been the kindest of people to all of us!! Thank you so much for your support!! May God bless you ☺!!!
P.S. : keep smiling it suits you!
You too ignore me? Must run in the family. The whole point of my post is to get the bitshares addresses of those who attended steemmeet #3. Come on now, I know you were there.
Ok I will make the account tomorrow because as you already said we are a family and have one ip address and Theo was faster lol 😀!
See if your brother wants to take me to the bar in Loutraki he told me about and that I haven't been to yet. We can go into some of the finer details of bitshares and steem (as long as you keep buying me drinks LOL)
Καλημέρα 😀!
Yes, whenever you arrange it, I will be there too (Hopefully you won't drink much lol)!!
Ok so my bitshare address is: alina-k15
Thank you!
confirmed of course.
@teodora79 on bitshares. Kalinihta :)
Are you sure that is the right spelling of your account name? It didn't show up in a search. I have no ideea what's wrong as I just made the account. But I did find onceuponatime in there :)
If you want friendly wallet and password help, this is the place:
I can't confirm she was at the Steem meet at Elliniko. @teodora if you please remind me a bit about it.
Did you participate in the meeting? Because I didn't see your name on the list @teodora
OMG, your own steemfest at Greece and free BTS.
Wish I was there.
Glad you guys had fun
The next Steemfest should be in Greece!
I was hoping for Singapore :-) or at least somewhere in South East Asia
@roelandp should come to Greece and I can spend some time to drive him around meeting people, A steemfest at mykonos or santorini during summer would rock!
This is selfless. Sometimes words might fail us but amazing gestures like this won't fail to hit the target. Every little bit helps. You deserve an honorary title. I should come up with one soon.
I am an honorary Greek!
I like that. I will give you a chieftancy title here from Nigeria then for your awesomeness and kindheartedness. Your influence spreads like fragrance far across the shores of Greece. I hope to visit one day though.
Can you just hand out chieftancys?
For impact makers and generous hearts, yes. The world needs them more.
You are simply awesome* but you are corrupting us all!!! The way I see it, it is us who should be giving you bitshares, steem or anything else you want because if it weren't for your support to this newly established community less people would afford to show up...
I was hoping to see you there, but I understand why you were not.
I now understand why you loved Greece. You are much crazy like Greek!
Ouzo and peace my friend
Your bitshares address? (stop drinking ouzo until you have one!)
Forgot it :)
And about ouzo, I am from Samos my friend. There we got one of the best wines you will ever drink. Please next time you will join us, send me a note so I will be more organized..... :)
And with that post, I felt worst, because I didn't knew that you will be there, and I didn't bring with me the little whale as promised :(
Dear Onceuponeatime
Love how your creating a strong Steemit community with your meet ups. Wish there was a Steemit meet up in Birmingham UK( I'm thinking of starting one). I totally agree with you we don't have freedom and it sucks. We are born into a farm! Love your effort at advancing liberty. Thank you
with love
Harj x.
Yes! Start a meetup where you live!
thank you onceuponatime! I will start with doing a test setting up and find out about it! I live in Birmingham UK. : ) if it builds up that would be great hope its not too early. : /
Hi Onceuponatime, I did it I took action and started a meetup in my City Birmingham !! would be great to get some tips if you like please check my meet up post, thank you Harj x
"Ouzo and out!" hey?!? LOL!!!
What a generous offer form you to give a thousand BTS for the people who attended and will comment on this post! Great shots, thanks for sharing.
Namaste :)
What can I say? "Wish you were there" LOL
You could always be organizing steemit meetups in your area. I bet @aumsong would attend.
We are supposed to get together one day!?. She is so busy... I sure wish I was there too dear friend! The last photograph made me drool automatically! Underlining the ouzo and out made it even deeper a scar! ;) Thanks.
Namaste :)
BTS The hidden power of decentralization.
It's a very nice challenge i think.
This is an amazing gesture!!! We are glad & lucky that you are a member of greek-trail community, thank you for your support! My account name on bitshares is: andyblack89 I can not thank you enough...
Thanks for being part of the solution!
I have read the post at least 5 times..cause I am sure I have misunderstood something. @onceuponatime thank you so much.It was wonderful to have you at the meet up and I hope to meet you again soon to thank you in person.Greek community is blessed to have people like you to help .
And your bitshares address is.....? Don't be shy!
hahah pardon me..I am not used to these kind of giveaways. my bits adress is unshakeable1 . Once again,thank you very much @onceuponatime
it was very nice to meet you @onceuponatime
It was nice to meet you too! I will need your bitshares address if you want a thousand bitshares.
My bitshares address annadeda1
@onceuponatime Thank you for your kindness and support!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks a lot!!!
The decentralization is the future.
My bitshares name is nikoleondas-84
Thank you for your support!@unceuponatime always hide a surprise.
Thank you for being on the bleeding edge with me!
i honestly thank you very much for doing this for the whole Greek community and you setting an example to and for everyone that have met,know you from steemit and reading this post.
my bitshares name is filotas3
i really really thank you and hope someday will do the same too! for now i got a Souvlaki waiting for me :p
Oh, man, I wish there was a Souvlaki waiting for me!
next time i will make it happen :p
By the way you look good on the last photo!Well indeed I don't know how can I thank you @onceuponatime enough, a thank you is not enough for you! Thank you so much for your great gift and for supporting us, it was a great meeting I hope we meet and we see you again in many other meeting! My account name in bitshares is: anna89
You are on the bleeding edge now :-)We are making a new world @anna89
Thanks for supporting the greek community!!! We are all grateful to you!! my bts account is zkalemiss2
It was so nice meeting you my dear. Hope I will have the chance again :) Cheers
You forgot to post your bitshares address!
By the way on bitshares I'm mariaentela1
I knew you could do it!
Finally @onceuponatime !!! You answered my comment :)
I was at the meeting too. The guy that stole the wine. Hehe my bts adreess is avtzispetros1
“It was a pleasure meeting you, thanks for Everything!
your bitshares account should be here too.
Confirmed I expect you to correct this.
Can't thank you enough for the support you are showing to the Greek community ! You are a living Greek Crypto Legend ! bts adrs : cryptogreek1
I never had a chance to go in steemit meet ups but i think it is fun & enjoyable. Do you have any plan to arrange such events in india?
Arranging steemit meetups in India is something YOU could do :-)
My grandmother lived in Athens for a while as a young girl, she always remembered it fondly! I always enjoy when others are happy, so obviously this post made me smile! I hope one day yo have a Steem-Meet here in So Cal :)
Lovely day to you!
Yes, you should start a meetup where you are. They are great!
That’s what I love about steemit. There are all kind of authors, comedians, humorists, story writers, photographers, painters, artists, serious people, boring people, spammers, line jumpers, vote stealers. At the end we can all meet together, laugh, drink, eat and enjoy great time together.
I think you have had a good time
That is an extremely pleasant motion for somebody that for whatever length of time that I am in steemit is supporting good content in such a significant number of steemians!
very nice event at greece

you are looking cool
respect for what you are doing! You make many people happy!
Connect and grow together! Very well done!
Together we will get there :-)
I was interested to see it, but before I start, I want to know its advantages and disadvantages. thanks @onceuponatime.
Sounds like you have some research to do then!
Bitshares Quick Reference Guide:
I wish I could be in a place like that one day! Meeting up with other Steemians must be really awesome :)
It is!
Both tangible and intangible gift worth appreciation i appreciate your kindness and encouragement, stay bless.
Thank you.
I am a male whore. Give me money bitshares account: trmpmn
Done (in 7 days). Whores have their place in the grand scheme of things :-)
Thank you very much. I promise I will try to put them in good use :D
You are a very good person, we are very lucky to have you.
Be healthy and Smile . :)Nice meeting you @onceuponatime and thank you again for your support.
My smile will be bigger if you give me your bitshares address!
My bitshares account is iliasdiamantis99
Whenever you are at the centre of Athens, a coffee is on me with a view of the Acropolis. :)Thank you again @onceuponatime .
♥ I always love meeting up with other Steemians
You should organize a meetup in your area :-)
Yes, we already had a meet up in Abuja, another one is coming up this Saturday. I can't wait.
Im newbie in this platform i like waht ppl do here all its like big family sharing all
One big happy (usually) family :-)
You are widely respected onceuponatime..!! :D You are so kind..!! This world need more people like you..!! thank you for giving the example ..!! moves like this can inspire more people to be like you..!!
OH no, don't be more like me. Be more like your(true)selves!
wow what a nice gesture i would love to upvote this post with a million upvote but am just a newbie though dont have bitshare account yet but share i gonna open one now.
can you send me an iv for the next meet in atheens.
Follow @greek-trail for information on Greek events. But, better still, organize a meetup in your area!
@onceuponatime I live literally 10 minutes away from the place at Iasonidou str where the event was held! I really wish I knew about this! Next time!
So near, and yet so far! LOL
@onceuponatime I'm the definition of hard luck :)
I'm pretty sure you will turn that around!
He is in crypto land, his luck has already changed.
You are so kind, am a newbie i will so much intresting to participate in bitshare, thank you for this incentive package.
Bitshares Quick Reference Guide:
I am so happy to see you enjoyed your gifts!! They are small compared to the support you are giving to all of us.
My poor cat is dying (have you seen how fat she got lately?), your bitshares will save her life...
On bitshares I'm rthgrl (my silent steemit name)
May the force of decentralization be with you! :P
Now just how did your cat get so fat?
It's either my love or the croquettes... or both :P
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I love you God dammit 😂😂😂😂😋😋😋
We would kindly ask for some understanding until we are all set
(Most of us are newbies and don't know where the four go - another greek expression for total ignorance)Update: we were talking with @skapaneas, it seems like most of us haven't set a proper bitshares account, so he is helping us find out what to do.
confirmed of course. Our lovely teacher
Wow, so grateful!!!
So happy to meet you guys! We didn’t have the chance to talk but you can verify my presence in my latest blog (lots of pictures too 🙂)
Can’t wait for the next meetup!
@nikossa1908 on Bitshares btw (same as here)
One thousand bitshares will be coming your way in 7 days (when this post pays out) and 3 seconds (the time it takes for a bitshares transaction LOL)
@onceuponatime you are a modern Robin Hood in this new..blockchainworld!Keep going..I will be there, in the next Steemeeting in Athens!
I will definitely hold you to your word on that :-)
Im so glad to see you all had so much fun.Unfortunately for me i became part of Steemit and part of greek-trail a couple days after your event.Wish i could meet you all.And imagine my house is 500 meters away from the spot you met.Just shame...i'm looking forward for the next meeting... @onceuponatime
See you then!
Definitely then.this time i ll be on time!!!
They are beautiful memories, I would have liked to attend the meeting in Athens ;)
It is a lovely song! I like the music you listen to.
what a Nice post and what a great giveaway.. i hope to be there another time.
I hope so too!
Respect work you done there in steemeet Greece. Peoples be happy in there and 1000 bitshares gives. Its great opportunity to eligible steemians. Waiting to see who's the champions. Steemit providing now lot of countries with meetup. Salute work. You all provide Greek community and around the platform community.
Finally you sitting with lot of Octopus. Awesome.
Are octopus dangerous?
Not only for you.. :D