The Fresh Five for December 26th - New Steemians to get to know!

in #promo-steem7 years ago

We're back with a brand new Fresh 5 for December 26th. I hope everyone had an excellent Christmas. I managed to catch my wife's cold, so that really kind of was a downer, I slept most of Christmas away. Oh well, onward and forward right? So we are back with 5 new Steemians for you to meet!

If you missed the initial post and want to learn about the process I am using to select the daily five, please check out The First Post in the Series. In that post you will find the first five Steemians I chose, as well as the methods used to find them.

I hope you will help me welcome these Steemians to the Platform! If you would like to support this work, please click on some of the links below and visit new Steemians to make them welcome!!

Let's Get to Today's 5

Drones, Fam and Life in General. First up today we're going to meet Kele, pronounced Kelly. He's a pretty cool dude sharing with us his adventures working as a drone pilot. Yeah, he actually gets paid for that. He's also sharing some of his adventures in BMX, Snowboarding and wakeboarding. So, yeah, he's a bit of an adrenaline junkie. Head on over and say a welcoming hello to Kele!

Christmas Sketch. Not too long ago I introduced you to a 16 year old Steemian, well now we have an 11 year old. My goodness, either I am getting older, or Steemians are getting younger! @cyrilon joins brother, sister and mum on Steemit and is a budding artist ready to bring some talent to Steem. Go give this kiddo a big welcome!

A Person Named Varun Kini. Varun has a passion for music, and composes a few songs with his guitar. I'm looking forward to what he might bring to openmic during his Steemit adventure. Say hello to Varun over at his blog!

Hello Talented and intelligent friends. Meet Kiara, who is, among other things, an "obscure model". I'm not entirely sure what it takes to be obscure and model, but maybe we will learn. She is also a content creator on other social platforms, bringing her talents to Steem. And she is also a painter of portraits. I look forward to seeing some of her paintings! Head on over and show her a warm welcome.

Starting Steemit on Christmas Day. I guess we have a bit of a K thing going, so let's finish with another K. Meet @kryptokylie, she's in California and working on her self confidence. Fortunately she has found a guy who is helping her with that. I think we all know a little bit about feeling unwanted, so her story struck a cord with me. Head over to her post and let her know how welcome she is here on Steem!

That's our list for December 26th. I hope you enjoyed getting to know a few new Steemians today. Make sure you give them all a warm welcome, and maybe even follow one or two of them!

Previous Versions of the Daily Five will appear in this space:

I hope these Steemians will find a warm welcome to the platform, and look forward to their contributions as they learn the platform and grow with us! Please join me in welcoming them all!

Thanks for reading! I hope you have enjoyed today's edition of the Fresh 5.

Are you new to Steem and looking for some guidance or mentoring? #promo-steem is a new community focused on growing the Steem footprint, and assisting with on-boarding those who find their way to the platform. Please feel welcome to join the Promo Steem Discord Server at: We look forward to seeing you there!!

Are you a "Creative Thinker"? Slothicorn may be the community for you! Slothicorn is a new community of Steemians promoting the idea of Crypto Art utilizing the Creative Commons standards. We look to support artists working in the crypto realm. We also need web designers, developers, and organizers who can help make the dream a reality. @stellabelle has created the @slothicorn account head over and check out the blog posts, and join us in the Discord Server:

Both of the above listed groups are great, and have loads of very helpful people. But because they are newer organizations, it can sometimes be quiet in those chat rooms. If you want a little more help RIGHT NOW, then what you need is The Minnow Support Project. MSP/PAL is made up of over 7000 Steemians whose main goal is to help each other climb the ladder from minnow to whale. 24 hours a day there are people there to chat with you. So if you want to jump right in to the waters, head to the MSP Discord at:

Do you ever wonder why I use #welcomingcomittee as one of my tags? The brainchild of @inquiringtimes is the Welcoming Committee and a set of contests that are sponsored by some great witnesses: @reggaemuffin, @aggroed, @ausbitbank & @swelker101. These fine folks have put 700 STEEM and a Steem Power Delegation up for Steemians who make it their mission to help new Steemians by creating tools for new Steemians to use as almost a guidebook to Steem. The Fourth Contest Was just announced, and if you are able to create images, this one is for you. Top Two Contestants will each receive 20 Steem each, with 6 additional 10 Steem prizes. So please go over and show your support for this great project!

Thanks for reading!!


Thank you @mikepm74... I'm glad to see myself in your encourage me a lot... I'll surely post nice contents in steemit in future.

do your best and share from the heart. People want to get to know you, and if you are honest and genuine, you will gain attention quickly! Enjoy the platform, and let us know if there is anything we can do to help you along!

Hello Steemasapians!

It was nice to see my intro being picked up by @mikepm74.

An interesting introduction by everyone. I look forward to see more posts from y'all and do follow me, you can expect funny, musical and philosophical content from my end.

Thanks for coming over and saying Hi! Half the battle is getting out of your own blog and engaging in comments. You passed the test. hahaha.

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

Thank you thank you thank you for taking the time to do this for all of us newbies to truly feel the love here! Honestly I am all are so sweet and I appreciate your kind words and support more than you know! You all rock!!!

I just regret that I don't have time to welcome more people! It is tough to only be able to do five every couple of days, I know I am missing a whole lot of people!

Glad I got to catch your intro post! We will be looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

One person can only take on so much and what you're doing is seriously so above and beyond what any of us newbies expect when we start here!! So appreciative of rare gems like you! We all are!

I sure am glad too! :) Looking forward to sharing more of myself with you all! :)

I really admired what you are doing here and how you are supporting new Steemicans. I read your first two posts about this idea and it is definitely needed. I’m sure this will help cut down on people leaving so soon.

I was actually one of those people. When I first joined in July last year I got a little love on my intro post. Then after trying a few more these posts I didn’t feel the Love. Back then I didn’t understand a lot about Steemit and how you have to put in the work and create quality content in order to feel at home. I didn’t understand you have to find your niche, stick to it and give it your all. Once I came back in July this this year, I started to read more and learn from others. I’m so glad I gave it another shot because I truly feel at home now. It took a few people giving me a chance and encouraging me along the way.

Your initiative has reminded me of this, where I was just last year. I used to go through the intro posts all the time and upvote and comment but I have fell away from that. I will be following you to keep up with the Fresh Five that you choose and visiting some of their blogs. Support and encouragement goes a long way, keep up the great work you are doing :) Resteemed!

I really hope that you find some good new Steemians to follow through the Fresh Five. I am challenging myself to dig a little deeper and find truly exceptional new Steemians with their intro posts, not just the first five intro posts that I find which are "acceptable". If you look at the titles of the posts I have been choosing, less of them are "Introduce myself" sort of titles, and more unique and eye catching.

Glad you made your way back to the platform. It does take a lot of work to get a base, but once you have the ball rolling it seems to gain momentum as long as you stay engaged. I say this, but I am still trying to gain momentum myself. haha.

Thanks for being here!

I hope I find some really good ones to support and follow. I’m going to make it my goal to at least check out your five twice per week and encourage some newcomers.

I totally agree about the momentum thing. Once I was back in and familiar with things they just started rolling for me :)

Thanks for sharing I really dig that the young @cyrilon knows who snoopy is.

I'm also not quite sure what an obscure model is maybe amature ? But you from the writing Im going to guess that @kiarawatson is at very least bilingual In which case she is doing a hell of a lot better than me. got it right buddy By Obscure i meant not well known or amateur

What is your native language out of curiosity?

Thanks for the welcome :)

Hello to the newest class of the #fresh5! I hope you all enjoy it here at Steemit. It is a very positive community and most people are willing to help you out or answer questions, so don't be afraid to ask! I look forward to reading all of your introduction posts and seeing what you have to share with us in the future. Take care and have a Happy New Year!

You are doing really noble job here, thank you for that! :)

Since I'm freshman also I can just say keep up doing like that and see you around! :)

Ah but the point of this is for freshmen to meet each other! It is good to find some people who are in the same place as you and join together to grow together. I've got some people on my follow list I have been with since day 1, we have gone from that 25 rep to our 60s together, it is pretty cool. Get to know the new folks and be a part of the school of minnows! ;-)

But that was my point! You are helping new people to get in touch with each other. I see a problem with new members, it's just money money money, and everything seems so fake here and that's why I like what you're doing. Keep it up :)

P.S. Of course everyone wants to earn money but earn it with posts and comments not with fake friendly acting

Sorry if I'm too harsh :P

no no... I'm sorry. I meant you got the point! I typed poorly. hahaha.

Flock together and build your own power base. People remember who has been with them for the duration when they get big and powerful.

I didn't want to sound rude on you, maybe it sounded wrong, sorry :) Just on new members who want to "make" a quick money by pretending.

Hahahaha, keep in touch! :)

let's greet them!

Hey, bro! Thanks for all always doing such a great job!

Appreciate it, man :)

Ah dude, this is amazing once again!!! You've got to be the hardest working, most welcoming, super friendly coughing-up-a-lung dude anywhere. Your dedication is incredible. I love this post and I also am curious on how to model obscurely....

hey. I have a project that has fallen by the wayside. I dunno if there is a lot of money in it, in fact there probably isn't... but it might be interesting nonetheless. Hit me up in one of the chats if you want to know more about it. ;-)

Thank You @mikepm74 once again for introducing us with nice people! Keep up the good work!! ;)

Welcome to all, I have been thinking about getting my eleven year old niece onto steemit but was unsure of age restrictions. Nice to see that's not an issue. We will have to get her set up next time she is over. Exciting stuff. Thanks for sharing these five!

I believe the terms say you have to be a least 13 years with parental permission. (whether the creators actually care is another matter)

My ten year old is DYING to join. He keeps asking me when he can make his first post. I've created an account for him based on the user tag he likes for his gaming, not that too many people were going to be after the user name dager47, but you never know. hahaha

Haha, that's a good idea. Get the name they want for when they are capable of doing more. My niece would love it. Shes a gamer and tech head at heart. My sister is a little more tech and online adverse, so that may be the challenge. I did just sign her up. I'm hoping by showing her how transparent everything is she will have more monitoring control then if she were to get a FB account etc.

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