A Simple Steemit Presentation To Four (4) Friends (Including Photographs of My Branded Steemit t-Shirt)

in #promo-steem7 years ago (edited)

For love of steemit and in a bid to create awareness of what it's all about, I made a short and simple presentation of steemit yesterday to four (4) friends. Thanks to my good friend, Stoja Petrovic, who invited me over to do the presentation. Her friends, Jelena and Sarah (Jelena's daughter) are also my mutual friends. Svetomir, the only man (blessed among four women. Hahaha...), is Stoja's neighbor, who expressed interest to join us. Below are some photographs from the meeting. 

First to the left (Sarah), second to the left (Svetomir), third to the left is Jelena and then yours sincerely (@maryfavour) wearing a steemit branded t-shirt.

Flanking me on the right is Svetomir and Stoja on the left. Stoja fed us with too much pizza for me get bigger and gain more weight.  Hahaha...

 Think it, steemit. Absolutely! That is the inscription on the front side of my new branded t-shirt. If you can think it, then steemit. 

Presenting Steemit With the Acronym PIVOT&E

Since the meeting was going to be an informal one, I thought to make a simple presentation that everyone can remember. What came to my mind was the word, PIVOT, remembering my high school physics, parts of a lever . By definition, Pivot is a central point on which something balances or turns

Image source 

Moreover, before the screen printer made the branded t-shirts , I thought of the acronym PIVOTE (from PIVOT) and told him to print the words; Post, Interact, Vote and Earn, alongside QR code of  the link to my steemit page, on the back side of the t-shirt. See photograph below. 


  • Post
  • Interact
  • Vote
  • O (2nd letter in the word 'vote)
  • T ( 3rd letter in the word 'vote)
  • Earn

Below are 3 short video clips of the presentation (mostly in Serbian language/'srpski')

First video clip explaining Steemit using the acronym, PIVOT & E

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="

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Second video clip, responding to some questions  including how much I earned in my last post before the meeting ($46 SBD)

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="

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Third video clip, doing a major comparison of facebook to steemit in terms of earnings

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="

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Image source have been properly cited. All photographs were taken with Stoja's i phone 7 plus mobile devise. The customized divider was made for me by @outhori5ed, and the generic footer sourced from here

If you like the branded t-shirt, reside in Serbia and need one or more, place your order here . The cost is 20 SBD/1 steemit branded t-shirt (free shipping cost included). After placing your order, send 20 SBD with a memo ''mail steemit branded t-shirt'',  I will mail it to your home address. More promo materials to come. 

My sincere apologies to all contestants of mission to minnow (MTM) challenge #3 to win a ticket to steemit in Nigeria (SIN) conference,  for the delay in announcing results of winners of the contest. An update post for all contestants have been written, pending selection of winners. Hopefully, the long awaited announcement will made before Wednesday. Please, keep checking @redfishpillar's blog. Thank you. 

What are your thoughts regarding my first steemit presentation to a small group of friends? How do you present and promote steemit to your friends, family and acquaintances?  Please, share in the reply and comments section below. I would like to hear from you. 


Follow @maryfavour & @redfishpillar

Thanks for reading and watching!


Keep up the great work promoting #Steemit. Good luck with #promo-steem and #promo-serbia. The T-Shirts look great. Well done. Stephen

Thanks a lot, @stephenkendal! I am really honoured to have you visit my blog. Glad to know that you like the t-shirts. Honestly, the idea of QR code, I got first from reading how you add the code to your flyers for #promo-uk. So, I figured that it would be nice to print it on the back of steemit branded t-shirts. Many thanks too for giving me a whole new idea of #promo-serbia. I should begin to use that tag soon.


How come i didn't see this?🙆.. This is beautiful ma'am , lovely pictures😍😍😍.. Thanks for spreading the gospel of Steemit to serbia people!🙌🙌🙌🙌

I can see the T-shirt clearly, fits perfectly, thickness is bomb.com.😍

I can see a clearly picture of the T-shirt! Absolutely bomb.com😍😍 fits you perfectly👌 and the thickness tho, superb!

Hahahaa, @sweetestglo-eu 😃😃😃. I don't know why you didn't see it. Thanks for the commendation. Much appreciated, dear. Cheers.

Tjis is good ma! Na to steal this cloth 😁
The QR code is a good one too. It makes it easier to see your page without telling them..go to steemit...search for... and stuffs.

I now have mug and shirt stollen in my brain already 😀

This is good ma! Na to steal this cloth 😁

Hahaha...It's my pleasure, @smyle. You want to steal my cloth? Funny you. Lol!

The QR code is a good one too. It makes it easier to see your page without telling them..go to steemit...search for... and stuffs.

I absolutely agree with you. It's interesting to know too that you now have a mug and shirt that have been stolen in your brain. Thanks for your contribution, brother.

My informal presenation starts by me asking them questions in this order below!

  • 1.What are you passionate about?
  • 2.Have you heard of or do you know anything about bitcoin ??
    The first question leads me to the next and i introduce Steemit and tell them they can earn a small reward posting about their passion.

I then explain how the money is paid by converting Steem Dollars/Steem to Bitcoin which they can sell and get real cash.

Fantastic way of presenting steemit! Finding out what theirs passions are is good entry method. Moreover, during Q & A session, that aspect of passion can also be dealt with. For instance, Sarah has a flair for arts and posed a question where to find the #art tag. I showed it to her and she was very glad to know that there is a community of people with similar passion /interest such as hers in steemit. Keep the steemit flag flying!

I would just say keep your STEM and power up in order to build real wealth... Just my humble opinion.

Thank you for your comment, @czechglobalhosts. Keeping steem and power up is key, but they need to earn it. The way to earn steem by blogging is the PIVOT & E, which I described in my videos.

Great t-shirt; love the QR code on the back!

I have a couple of friends that just opened a Bitcoin Store and they are big cryptocurrency fans. We talk Steem and other currencies whenever we are together. It's inform, but its fun to relate with others involve in the same endeavors.

Great post; wish I spoke Serbian! Cheers!

Great t-shirt; love the QR code on the back!

Thanks, @braveboat! The QR code is just another fascinating thing about the branded t-shirts. Anyone behind me can easily use his/her phone to scan the code, which would immediately take them to my blog. No need to type a long url.
Wow! A bitcoin store sounds interesting. It's always fun to be with those you share same interests.
Serbian language, one of the slavic languages, is not easy to learn and understand. Native speakers of the language like @lighteye, @olegw, must have noticed the mistakes I made in the grammar declension or cases. There are 7 of them in srpski and you have to keep changing these words, which makes the language difficult. In the third video clip of my post, for instance, I said

...izmedju ti i ja, which is not grammatically correct. The correct grammar is ...izmedju mene i tebe.
Anyway, I don't let that bother me. They understand me and I understand them. That is more important.

I really appreciate your support. Keep steeming!

Thanks, @maryfavour. Your Serbian grammatical errors are safe with me! ;)

Hahahaaa...okay. I hear you. No more worries. This really made me smile. Cheers.

Outstanding job! Very nice slogan and usage of QR code to bring more people in.

Ah good to see you here, @enjar, my friend.

Very nice slogan and usage of QR code to bring more people in.

Thanks for the commendation. Yes, I figured out that the QR code will bring more people in like you rightly stated. If you see my size in that photograph, you'll discover that my fitness goal have not really been a success. As much as I can, I eat less junk food (apart from a couple of times like yesterday when Stoja fed us with 6 pizzas. Lol.). Excercise is what is missing in my dream to lose weight. Finding a place where I can do zumba dance, will help a great deal, since I like dancing. Cheers.

My diet and goals have been hit or miss. I’m not losing much weight but I think I’m gaining muscle. I’m a few days behind posting my next update even. I did get some exercise in today and taking a short break before some more.

I was really hoping to have a lot more energy by now. Last couple of days I’ve only wanted to sleep and not do much else.

I hope you find a place for Zumba dancing and make some time for yourself. Have a wonderful week!

It's good that you are gaining muscle, which means progress.

I hope you find a place for Zumba dancing and make some time for yourself

I really hope so too. Thanks, @enjar.

This is really great. I love the T- shirt. It's beautiful. I love that you are promoting Steemit ma.
Letting people understand Steemit actually pays is a good way to bring them to the community but telling them the ups and downs will make them commited. Thank you for sharing ma.

I love the T- shirt. It's beautiful. I love that you are promoting Steemit ma

Thank you, @harbysco. I absolutely agree with you that

Letting people understand Steemit actually pays is a good way to bring them to the community but telling them the ups and downs will make them committed

There is nothing that doesn't have ups and downs. Life itself is full of ups and downs. They will either learn to cope of decide whichever way to follow. Mine is to encourage as much as I can. I appreciate your contribution, dear. Keep the steem fire burning!

I like reading about the efforts of trail blazers on steemit. It is refreshing and an inspiration for we the upcoming ones. Thanks

I like reading about the efforts of trail blazers on steemit

Wow! Steemit trail blazers. So, I have become one? That's quite interesting, @greenrun. I appreciate your contribution. Cheers.

Thanks a lot

Hmm mm... I don't know what to say to you. Amazing job well done. I love the "if you can think it, then steem it" part. Steemit rocks.

I love the "if you can think it, then steem it" part.

Same here, @phait. Thanks, dear. The inspiration of think it, steemit came when I was thinking of something unique to inscribe on the t-shirt. I said to myself, If you can think it, then steemit. Glad you like it as much as I do. Yes, steemit rocks.

This is a great one, I love the strategy and the way it was presented. Can you link this to the @steemgigs community by @surpassinggoogle?

Thank you, @turpsy! Yes, I can link it to @steemgigs community by @surpassinggoogle. This is my first presentation and there are more to come. I am planning to do a formal presentation exclusively with students of the University of Belgrade. That is where I am planning to talk about @steemgigs. Usually, when I market steemit to students, I use @steemgigs as entry point. I learnt to do that after reading @surpassinggoogle's post on steemgigs for students.

Hello @maryfavour

Kudos to you ma'am. This is motivating. One thing with you is outstanding. In Steemit, you're always setting the pace while we follow. You inspires and lead. In the weeks ahead, most of us will toe this path. Steemit must be taken to every nook and cranny. More geese to your elbow.


Thank you @eurogee, for all your kind words, commedation and support. I'm glad to always inspire people. Yes,

steemit must be taken to every nook and cranny.

Wow wow wow!!! Bravo nice work ma, I love that t-shirt

Thank you dear, @steve1122. Glad that you love the t-shirt. You can order for some.

wow that presentation was cool indeed and i love those tshirts and the barcode thing on back making it more awesome :D

Thank you, @blazing. Glad that you like the barcode at the back of the steemit branded t-shirt. Steem on!

Your t-shirt presentation idea is so different ,obviously it's great one #steemit

It is, @shafiqul! I like to be unique, original and innovative. My steemit presentation style is one that I've not even seen on steemit. Cheers.

Your t-shirt are m awesome. You are doing a great job for steemit community.

Thank you, @piyushkansal! Enjoy the steemit ride!

We congratulate you. You have achieved good success. At the top of the coming time will be. There is a very beautiful picture of the steemit. Thank you for sharing with us

I appreciate your kind words and good will, @ahlawat. Thanks for stopping by. Cheers.




Hahaha..., @sophistryproof. I like playing with meaningful words to form acronyms. By so doing, I easily remember what I want to discuss. Glad you like it too. Cheers.

Great to see a initiative like this. Just great.

Thank you, @zoef for your wonderful comment.

You guys are all very compact. I'm glad I can join you.😊

Hahaha..thank you, @amuchtar. Cheers.

You might not know but you are building a better future for us all. Thank you ma

I am just doing the best I can, @ewuoso. You are welcome! I appreciate your encouraging comment. Thank you too. Steem on!

you are welcome ma

You look nice on the T_Shirt Lady. Keep doing the good work

Thank you, @praise-eu. I appreciate.

Wow! This is beautiful. Thanks for keeping the steem Spirit alive. I love go concise it's inscribed on your shirt... Post Interact Vote Earn. It's perfect!

Thank you, @abeem90. I'm glad you like it. It's good to keep things consice as much as possible. People remember faster. POST, INTERACT, VOTE, EARN. Nothing else can be simpler. I got another invitation at the Army Hospital to do a steemit presentation to healthcare staff (doctors, nurses etc).Thank you very much, dear.

Wow! That's great!

Many more platforms await you with such a great passion.

Keep it burning!

I saw the video last night with @steve1122. You are one dolphin that really portrays the attitude of the real dolphin (the fish). This attitude is friendship and leadership. Keep the steem hot.

Thanks, @bat-junior for the kind words and commendation. It's quite encouraging. Sure. Keep steeming too 😄.

We are all proud of you, the zeal you have in you is inspiring to people like us o.

Thank you, my brother @ehiboss. Your comment is really encouraging. I'm glad to be an inspiration to you and others. Cheers.

This is just fantastic!!!

Wow, @tojukaka! I really appreciate your comment and contribution of resteeming the post. Thank you. Steem on!

Great promoting as steemit and goodluck for your promotion and great post that t-shirt is awesome.

Thank you, @bikalsiwakoti, for your comment. I appreciate it. Cheers.

I haven't heard of anyone getting saturated from commendation. So, here is one more for you, good job with the work. Way to go...9ja no dey carry last they say. :)

Neither have heard, @drome007. Thanks, brother. Yes ooo...9ja no dey carry last😅😅😅😅.

Nice presentation i wcich i could do more

Thank you, @japfive. Try to do the much you can from your end. Cheers.

Wow! This is absolutely thinking outside the box.

It is absolutely thinking outside the box, @adejoke16. Thanks for your comment. Much appreciated.

It is beautiful to hear you mixing English with Serbian language in order to explain STEEMIT.
In the US most people want to make money fast. They say steemit is too slow as for earning for minnows. It could be my fault, I may not explain it to them correctly.
What kind of objections do you get when you promote steemit?

love for steemit.

Of course yes, @mahbubalam. If not love for steemit, what else? Thanks for stopping by.

your love for steemit is your open door to be love by every other good thing..... Funny enough, I started busting brain by saying to my friends in front of those that are not ready to join steemit biola how many dollar were you paid for the post you posted yesterday? any time he replies, they will say, really? $12 on a single post? Please when can you register me... LOL.... The bad me will tell them.... Lemme come and me you at my leisure time but if you don't See Me.... You can check for me I'm my hostel.. before you know it... They are usually my daily alarm Now....... LOL

Steemit all the way....

I started busting brain by saying to my friends in front of those that are not ready to join steemit biola how many dollar were you paid for the post you posted yesterday? any time he replies, they will say, really? $12 on a single post? Please when can you register me... LOL...

Good strategy, @honourmaus. Bravo! It's good to know that you are asking your friends how much they earned from the last post, which they put up on facebook. However, you don't have to sound like it is compulsory that they join you on steemit. Steemit is hardwork! That is a major difference between steemit and facebook.What is important is that you just to keep spreading the steemit message /gospel; Use steemit branded books, biros, back packs, plates, cups, calendars, face caps, t-shirts, handkerchiefs, towels, etc. Let them see that apart from your obligation to study and do well in microbiology, you live steemit.

You can check for me I'm my hostel.. before you know it... They are usually my daily alarm Now....... LOL

Shakara boy. Who no like better thing? Yes ooo...steemit all the way.

Eveeybody Like Better Thing o, me self like better thing.

Owk, Why I like steemit? Ma because nothing lure pass steemit.... LOL

But as for the correction, thanks ma.... I'll definitely go by it Ma.

This is absolutely wonderful! If each steemian that is serious about this platform and wants it to grow does exactly the same and bring just one/two friends or family members we will see a snowball effect coming pretty soon. It is also the best way to get real close circle of followers. Great job and keep it up! Tomas

Thank you, Tomas! I absolutely agree with you that

If each steemian that is serious about this platform and wants it to grow does exactly the same and bring just one/two friends or family members we will see a snowball effect coming pretty soon. It is also the best way to get real close circle of followers.

The commendation is quite encouraging. Much appreciated.

keep working hunny <3 !

And you too keep working!

Awesome one

Hehehe Mama! Why won't you be on facebook anymore? It's all good. I'm copying your presentation style. I had one a few weeks back and I'm thinking of hosting another for primary school kids in my vicinity. I'll just hold the presentation in small groups to make it effective.

Great Job ma'am.

Great post. @originalworks

I don't need any spam on my blog, @cresttien.

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