The Heavenly Tale of Paradise

in #promo-steem7 years ago


The Heavenly Tale of Paradise

Readers who are blessed by God, we realize that as humans we are given an insatiable nature and always feel less about the grace of God subhanahu wata'ala. In fact, most of us tend to feel hurt by the envy of seeing God's rizki to others, rather than being grateful for the blessings of God that have been given to us. As the saying of the Prophet shalallahu 'alaihi wassalam.

لو كان لابن آدم واديان من مال لابتغى ثالثا, ولا يملأ جوف ابن آدم إلا التراب, ويتوب الله على من تاب

"If humans were given two valleys of treasure, then he still wanted the third valley. Which can fill in the human stomach is just the ground. Allah will certainly accept repentance for anyone who wants to repent. "(Narrated by Bukhari no 6436)

In the story narrated by Imam al Bukhori rahimahullah, there is an extraordinary wisdom about the mercy of God in man. Anyway, the human being feels desirous and wants to get a "quota" of pleasures more than Allah, but God with all His riches never ceased to grant human desires. Congratulations

From Abdullah bin Unais radiyallahu 'anhu he said:

People say, "O Messenger of God, do we see our Lord on the Day of Resurrection?"

He asked them back, "Do you have trouble seeing the moon on a full moon without being clouded?"

They replied, "No, O Messenger of Allah."

He asked, "Do you have trouble seeing the sun that is not clouded?"

They replied, "No."

He (Rasulullah) said:

Surely you will see Him like that. Man is gathered on the Day of Resurrection, then said to him, "Whoever worships something, then follow him." So among them there are those who follow the sun, some follow the moon, some follow the taghout. Live this people, including the hypocrites.

Then Allah comes to them saying, "I am your Lord."

They said, "We remain in our place until our Lord comes to us. If our Lord comes, then we recognize Him. "

then Allah comes to them and says, "I am your Lord."

They say, "You are our Lord."

Then Allah called them and placed Shirats between the two edges of Hell. I am the first person to pass through from among the Apostles with his people. On that day no one said a word other than the Apostles, and the prayers of the Apostles that day were, "O God, save, save!"

In Jahannam there is iron iron hook like Sa'dan thorn.

The Messenger of Allah said, "Have you ever seen Sa'dan's thorns?"

They said, "Yes." Then he said: "He is like Sa'dan's thorn, and it's just that no one knows the size except God. The hooks will grab people, depending on their deeds. Some of them perished because of their ammunition, and some of them were rewarded until they were saved.

Until when God wills to give mercy to whom He willed from the experts of Hell, God commands the Angel to exclude those who used to worship God. So the angels took them out by looking at the former prostration, and Allah forbade Hell to devour the former prostration. They are expelled from Hell in a state of burning, then they are watered with living water, so they grow as the seeds grow in the water.

Then God finishes from deciding the matter among the servants, and there is only one man who is between Heaven and Hell. He is the last of the Hell-gardens to enter Heaven.

He confronts his face to hell and says, "O Rabb, turn my face from Hell. The smell has hurt me and the heat has burned me. "

Rabb said, "If I do that to you, what will you ask for besides?"

He replied, "No, for your own sake." He also promised Allah, then Allah turned his face from Hell.

As he headed for Heaven, he saw its beauty, so he was silent for a moment, then he said, "O Rabb, take me to the door of Heaven."

God said, "Have not you promised not to ask for anything other than what you asked for?"

He said, "O Rabb, that I may not be your most miserable creature."

God says, "If I give it to you, will you ask for it besides?"

He said, "No, for your sake, I do not ask of you other than this." He promised his Rabb.

Then God brought him closer to the door of Heaven. When he got to the door, he saw its beauty and what it contained in it was fun and joy. He was silent for a while, then he said, "O Rabb, put me in Heaven."

So God says, "Pity you, son of Adam! How quickly you betray the promise. Have you not promised Me not to ask except what I have given you? "

He said, "O Rabb, do not make me your most miserable creature."

God laughs to him, then permits him to enter Paradise. Then God tells him, then permits him to enter Heaven.

Then God tells him, "Dream out!" He is so fond of his imagination that when his wishful thoughts have been cut off, God says, "Illusions are such and such." Allah reminds him that when his wishful imagination is exhausted, Allah says, "You get things that and that kind of thing. "

Abu Sa'id al-Khudri told Abu Hurayrah, "The Messenger of Allah said," Allah says, "You get that and tenfold."

Subhanallah ... The last Heavenly Expert to enter heaven alone is so great his gifts from God, let alone those whose degree of charity is more and better than that paradise expert. May we always be given the ease of Allah to remain istiqomah with Islam and turned off above the faith .. and later can be included from the class of experts paradise. Aamiin

Taken from the book "The journey to the Hereafter (Haadimul Ladzdzaat)" by Abu Islam Ahmad 'Ali - Pustaka Ibnu Umar


Great camera 👍✨

Thanks brother 👌

Semoga kita semua menjadi penghuni surga amin