Everybody that joined the Thunderclap, supported the iniative by talking about it in your blog (or vlog) or on social media, this is a genuine "Thank you!". 570K people reached, in 38 countries over 104 cities is AWESOME!!
Yesterday, I felt kinda disappointed because we only (!) had half a million social reach and we had hoped for a million. However, the Thunderclap seemed more powerful today. The stream of Steem GIFS in Twitter's timeline just exploded! Maybe it was the timing, maybe it was something else, I really do not know, but we made it happen, for the first time Steem got into the top 10 trending crypto's!!

Promoting these Thunderclaps are hard work, but boy when they clap every minute was worth it! Again, thank you everybody!!

Hey man, regrettably I missed joining it because of my own silly "busy-ness" - will be making a mention of your work in my next blog post and will jump onboard for the next one.
Oh, that's incredible! It's funny how we got more exposure than last time, despite having a lower reach. Thanks for spending so much time on this project, @fitzgibbon! You are doing great things for promoting Steem and Steemit ;)
Great work @fitzgibbon! Is there a planned date for the next one?
Congrats buddy! Pretty sure we can cross 1 million on the next thunderclap.
That's truly awesome results. Well done everyone who took part. 500K + people reached is brilliant.
good wishes for 1 million sooncongratulaions and also thank you to for this great thunderclap project @fitzgibbon
Big ups to the Thunderclap guy, i see your often on Twitter...Great Job matee
congratulaions and also thank you
cool and awesome
Hi! I tend to find articles that I like (or raise questions), read the comments, and find people who have the same types of questions with me - or better - have answers to the questions that are raised! Your questions/answers intrigued me. I came here to your page, found the thunderclap and now I just want to read more from you! hahahaha
but you don't have any recent posts! :) Are you on discord at all?
Yep I'm on Discord.
sent you a message :)