@bait002. I must commend you guys feo what you are doing @steemexchanger. About 2 weeks ago, I got a call from @steemexchanger just to welcome me officially and get my views about their service. I fell in love with @steemexchanger the more after that call.
I think you guys are really doing a geeat job in putting
the customer/client first
It is good you have put up this post, I feel you need to work on your new sms notification setting. I set the price of sbd at 380 as lowest, but I've got more than 4 sms notification that sbd is less than 380 when the info on @steemexchanger website is different. Can you explain better please?
I suggest you create a ticket. Steemexchanger.ng takes feed from other websites to enhance user experience. For example, our price feed comes from bittrex and sometimes that is could mean a challenge when their service goes blank sometimes.
By creating a ticket, you mean sending message to customercare?
Yeah, writing the customer care.