Glad to see your progress and for aiming good at 2018. Thank you for being part also of my little fan club hahahahaha (as followers)
Happy New Year to you @pennsif and God bless to you and to your family this 2018.
Glad to see your progress and for aiming good at 2018. Thank you for being part also of my little fan club hahahahaha (as followers)
Happy New Year to you @pennsif and God bless to you and to your family this 2018.
Thank you @dante01. Let me know how it goes at the Tribal Village.
How great it is then... More power to you sir.
We are quite delay with the toilet project because of 2 storms passed by. We'll be back anytime this week to finish it.
We already opened the mountain treking for start so that it could finance to the next project. We've been granted with 10 hectares of land to develop a mountain resort. This will put more income to the tribe. The arranged business side is aroud 70/30. 70 to them and 30 to us. However the 70 will plow back first for more developments... Agriculture projects and reforesting project...
We are excited with the little progress we're doing 😍