We just hit the top of trending with the promo-steem launch post! So @canditits95 is that enough to get you to do us a special "Well done guys, You hit the top spot, here's your very own Crypt0Hoe video", as right now I'm feeling like a Steemit rock star.
We are very excited about it. Especially more so now that I've got @canditits95 on my blog. Great news!
woo woo! <3 Now we just need him to get approved!
We just hit the top of trending with the promo-steem launch post! So @canditits95 is that enough to get you to do us a special "Well done guys, You hit the top spot, here's your very own Crypt0Hoe video", as right now I'm feeling like a Steemit rock star.
Hell yes, consider it done😁
I made it! Happy to help out #Promo-steem