Phew. Beta Promo-steem website launched - and a call to techies to join me in the next phase.

in #promo-steem7 years ago (edited)

Well, we did it. It's been a lot of work (and more to come) but tonight we launched the promo-steem beta website.

You can find the website at

Now this isn't fully functional yet. We want it to have a consultation period before we do the really heavy techie stuff, and start building in a load of brilliant functionality. And already we are getting excellent feedback (just a couple of hours after launch).

All promo-steem updates will come from our new central account @steem-ambassador. If you haven't already, please go check out the account, and FOLLOW and RESTEEM the launch if you wouldn't mind. Lets get every Steemer aware of it, especially the whales who we hope will support it (It's good for them too!)

So, dear followers, if you haven't yet been to have a look, please go and have a look around. We want your feedback, thoughts, insights. We know it's mostly in COMING SOON mode and this is quite deliberate. It is our intention that this is a community driven portal, and we wanted to give the community the chance to comment before we go further, as we believe the community knows better than just the small team that's put this together.


So, as lead techie on (in fact, basically it's me at the moment), I would now like to find my own small team to collaborate with and help me make it go from a beta to a brilliant, slick as fuck model, which has all the functionality the promoters from around the world need. There is too much to do for me to make it as brilliant as it can be, and my skills are better in some areas than others (for example, website design is not really my forte, as many of my hardcore designer friends have told me before).

I also work best when I've got a group of people around me, who aren't afraid to speak up, and put ideas out. We at promo-steem have literally spent months planning and talking about this, and getting our message across. It doesn't happen all at once, and many different minds are required to consolidate a really clear message that is attractive to the community at large. The same is true for the tech. And I want to build a great dev team to work with me on making #promo-steem a top trending tag.

Therefore, I'm now asking people in the community who want to help, and who have the skills, to put themselves forward to helping me further make it excellent. I am focussed purely on making it work at this stage, so I personally am looking for:

  • Designers (who can make it look and feel really slick)
  • Blockchain developers (who can help me to integrate all the moving parts, as well as reviewing code, security etc)
  • Web marketing experts (who can help me to do things I probably don't even know about in terms of getting visibility)
  • Python programmers (who can help me make some really fucking clever functions that we haven't even thought of yet)

I would be very pleased to hear from anyone who can assist in these areas. We expect promo-steem to be one of the biggest movements on the STEEM blockchain, and this is a massive opportunity to grow an amazing, collaborative team.

If you are keen to talk more about it, please do hit me up on the promo-steem discord (invite link here)

Many thanks, and much appreciated for all your support over the last few weeks. We have come a long way, and there's a lot more to do, but with the right supporters, ambassadors and team, #promo-steem will be formidable in helping give the STEEM blockchain the recognition it deserves as the NUMBER ONE BLOCKCHAIN ON THE PLANET (which it is for so many reasons)


So much Work you have in there. We are so connected by the way, I am working hard in start promotion Steemit in my local area and was thinking almost one week ago that Ambassadors name is what it is... fits perfectly and the same day I saw you was launching that! Love that moment!!!! . Cheers for will be a great resource to all!

By the way I want to share with you all the material I will be doing related to graphics so could be great to be in touch, by the moment Im registered so let's get it on! And if you want can find me in!


Great news. read the bit about steem ambassadors in the website.

Already done :) Saw the videos, everyhting..really surf the web and for me (obviously in test mode as you said) I think that is roling very good, nice look by the way. So great!

Excellent post thank you


Wow... This is awesome. Nice work to the teams behind this.

Finally, the website is up
I'm so excited to see it up and i'm looking forward to it final lunch
Kudos @anarcotech for this great project.

great project

Well, the website is in pre-launch. The functionality is coming once we have assimilated what the community says. We wanted to take it one step at a time.

Yeah, It's good to take it step by step, no rush, so it will be fully lunch and every features will be up.

Hey there for sure I will join to your chat greetings from @justynatina

That's fantastic news!

That is simply amazing ! How Can I start a @steem-ambassador group in France (Paris)?
Are you in touch with Steem core staff project?

Put in an application to be an ambassador. see instructions in the ambassador section. And yes, you can see the video of our conversation with @andrachy in my earlier blog.

cool comment

I cannot wait for your work to become fully functional
But if you do not mind me asking @anarcotech what will be the functionality of the promo steem website, because this is this the first time i'm hearing of such?, i'm sorry for the bother but there are some of us who quite frankly have no idea what promo-steem is. It does sound useful so i would like to know what it is all about , Thank you very much.
go #promo-steem

Thansk for the comment. I've had lots of people ask the same question, and to save me typing out the same answer loads of times, Id direct you to the site itself where you'll be able to see the functionality we have proposed. There's lots still to do, but it will be the go-to place for promotions of steem and steemit.

i'm always on your post sho suppport tooo

Hallo sir First of all i will say a very big thank you for the launching, hopefuly this #promo-steem will help a lot of steemians .thanks for sharing this post.

that's great news that you have lunched website. there will be alot of work for people congrats to you and your mates for lunching this amazing website

yasterday i told my 10 friend about steemit

Very important information, thank you for sharing it with us.

Always follow your post!
Very interesting and helpful.

I can.... Am highly interested in the web design @charleswealth

Nice Post Dear Steemian. Thank You For Your Effort
Shared LOVE With My Upvote. How about you Share some Love too?
Cheers and Have a Peaceful, Profitable Year .
Keep Posting and Get Rich ;) :)

thankyou for the information