From A to Z – Business Blog 59 – Master Plan

in #projecthope2 years ago

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Master Plan

Looking now at the master plan of the Ukraine invasion we can see that the Kremlin keeps its best gear in Moscow. From the Red Gates are dispersed rag tag soldiers of unfavorable economically social pockets within the greater population. In other countries these are dissidents. In evolved democracies members of the opposition party.

Global political theater now being enacted both on the battlefield and in the U.N. Security council. Critics of Russian narratives maintain the conviction of the victim of aggression. It’s breaking Russian diplomacy efforts. Then there’s the Crimean Bridge and the Nord Stream Pipeline; two attacks without a clear answer to who done it. Now a new drone attack on the Black Sea Fleet with submarine drones making it seem as if Ukraine could be involved in the Nord Stream attack. Russia also naming the U.K. as an active partner in combat.

Or maybe the shadow organization behind 9/11 did it. No matter, we have to wait it out while artillery decides the border between Russia and Ukraine. Ideas for escalation abound. Yet deterrence continues to be tested in a mind game being illustrated through media channels. If it were not for innocent civilian deaths in city streets it would be easy to act as if this doesn’t exist.

It does exist with staggering casualty numbers on each side plus possible disasters at every turn. We could see a repeat of this in Taiwan only semiconductor chips seem to be keeping the peace. Unified in response turns the fear into courage if all-out war did breakout. It’s proof of the wisdom to delay the space program as we now thrust into the commercial space age.

“Break on through to the other side.” – The Doors

Algorithms in quantum physics unlocking the mysteries of the Universe that some hope to share while doomsayers push to covet the information for themselves. So far, we’ve seen it’s more stable to have more people sharing elite power on the planet. The path forward shows many ways to follow.

From A to Z’s business approach to solving climate change includes a shift in energy priority from fossil fuel to hydrogen in the car fueling market and replacing fossil fuel textile production with Hemp textile production. Even with it being legal there are many obstacles with the war in Ukraine both a threat and a blessing through the creation of a volatile atmosphere while an improvement from the stagnation of being oppressed.

We can build a space elevator with Hemp graphene or grow Hemp to cleanse soil from nuclear exposure. Either way, we’ve positioned ourselves to tackle the many challenges of the unpredictable future.

The board of directors would like to wish everyone a happy Hallo-weekend and remind people to don’t drink and drive. Find a sober driver. The Company is having its office party in the Talking Heads Building pictured above that we’ve been using as a company profile picture. It’s of course a shoutout to that American rock band and an inside Company joke at our headquarters.

Thank you,
From A to Z
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The Applegate Trail of 1846

I Won’t Give You Up - Almost Here


Happy Hallo-weekend!