Thank You, Project Gutenberg

in #projectgutenberg7 years ago

A shout out to Project Gutenberg. Last night I fell asleep reading Grettir the Outlaw: A Story of Iceland on my iPad.

A Picture of Grettir, from Grettis Saga, on Wikimedia Commons

The night before I fell asleep reading excerpts from The Anglo Saxon Chronicle

A Portrait of Edward the Confessor, as shown in the Chronicle. Uploaded from Wikimedia Commons

Thank you, Project Gutenberg.

In the last week, I was privileged to see a copy of Unamuno's Del sentimiento tragico de la vida, and Freud's Unheimliche Project Gutenberg, once again, came through.

As you can guess from my reading selections, I'm a curious person. I'm also a writer. As I research one project, ideas for new projects come to me.

I'm also a skeptical person. When I read a piece of information, I wonder, "Is that true?" So I check it out. Project Gutenberg, and other free access sites, allow me to do this.

Thank you, Project Gutenberg.


It's a good service. I use it mostly to find public domain fiction from the early 1900s.

Another good source, you probably have used, is Hathi Trust ( This is a vast collection of material in many languages.

I thought you meant about Gutenberg Compatible Themes but when I saw the link in your post, it led me to the website which described epub and ebooks. Looked great! will check it in a few days ;)