I am here in Berlin on my mission to bring a 3 ton segment of the original Berlin Wall to the USA/MEX border this year! Cool right? I thought Trump could use some help, so we bring him one we don't need anymore.
will be posting here on Steemit more about this venture. Now I'm shooting a interview with Patrice Lux from NeuWestBerlin. More to come...
Best , Alec
Wow this is so awesome! I can't wait to see it come to light.
Do you know where you're going to put it?@alechahn
My ideal was either right along the San Ysidro border crossing for highest traffic exposure or right in the middle of Friendship Park, replacing the current Fence for 1.2 meters. This has so far been seen as too crazy and politically edgy... But I still got some cards down my sleeve. Will do a larger update soon. Sorry for responding so late.
Might be too late to upvote, but it's not too late to comment. This is the coolest project ever! If you agree, comment for Alec. I want to know how this is coming!