Obsessed With Success

in #programming5 years ago

This is how you look at your pc after 12hours of writing nonsense code.

I have sent most of my active hours in front of my pc trying to apply all the knowledge I have gathered. It has been a frustrating experience but here is the catch: I don't want to stop. I can't stop practising. In fact, I want to commit more time to my projects so I can level up my skill.

I have an unusual obsession with succeeding, especially when I put my mind into something. I like to believe am goal-oriented and passionate. If it is achievable then be sure I will push for it and I will never take no for an answer. The good thing about this said goal is that I only have to commit my time and brainpower which for me is the least one can do to achieve their goal.


I burn out easily, especially when I am not getting positive reinforcement.

Positive reinforcement is important in staying motivated during a long period of applying your mind and heart to a task. Today I went from coding along to actually applying my mind to something. This was the ingenuity I have been lacking for the past 3 months and that was the reinforcement I needed--that I was actually learning something and not wasting my time. Unfortunately, I don't know as much as I thought I did and that's good in the sense that I can actually pinpoint the said idea or concept I do not fully understand and then search for solutions. This is what I love about programming--the plethora of information at your fingertips, most of which are free. It is even more fun for me because I have a couple of friends who are on the same path, which makes it easy for me to learn and share my problems.

Being single minded

I get obsessed about a thing and forgo everything else. It is a good and bad thing. I can't seem to pay attention to anything else these days. This week I have sent most of my active hours in front of my pc learning and that has affected other areas of my life like blogging and earning. Asides earnings, I haven't been able to as involved in many activities on the chain. I heard there was a hardfork about a week ago and a potential reduction in curation rewards. I actually do not know what to make of this information as I have no in-depth view on them. My only take from this is that I have to put in more effort in my other endeavours. I think the hive/steem blockchain has served me well and long enough and it is high time I create other opportunities for myself that aren't tied to these chains. The thing is my new curiosity is overshadowing my interest in writing. I have to make a conscious effort to write these days which never used to be the case.

I am feeling burnt out already from hours of sitting. My back and tummy hurt. Even last night I could not get proper sleep because I was playing with different syntaxes in my head. I am currently working on a landing page for my freecodecamp project. Here:


It isn't looking as good as I want. My major challenge has been styling my header. For some reason I haven't been able to position my nav bar properly

It keeps moving off the page. I think the problem is the way I structured my HTML elements. I will figure that anyway. I don't want to go deep into it. It is such a simple task and the fact it is taking such a long time to complete isn't comforting at all.

That will be all for now guys. Cheers!

Posted using Dapplr


Good luck in your journey bro.

Posted using Dapplr

Thanks bro

Posted using Dapplr

Good one brother! I never knew you were into programming.

Thanks mate. I just started 3months ago.

Posted using Dapplr

Ooh. Owk..I myself just started a week ago.currently at HTML5

I do like a bit of Lorem ipsum with my coffee in the evening. :)

Sweet post! I even recognized a little bit of myself when reading about your burning out, frustration, etc but still continuing to write code. 😄

I usually make my navbars only from nav and a href links - I don't use lists in them. I make the width of the navbar 100%, the position: fixed. I don't give the navbar a height. I give the href links the class of nav-link and give them a padding, not a height and width. Thanks to the nav-link padding the height of the navbar should change too.

I encourage you to check out the Programming Community on Hive aswell as start posting your programming related posts there too! 😉

i can relate to a lot of what you said here.
i also get obssessed.......