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RE: How Do You Stay Productive?

in #productivity6 years ago

Love this post and you exposed the challenge so well. To flow or schedule...or combo. Sean is a master scheduler and I am a flow girl, and as such we can see the pros and cons to each one. The schedule way does help us become aware of and overcome areas of procrastination. Just do as scheduled. 💪🏾 And the flow way let’s us bask in the moment of inspiration, unplanned opportunities that pop up, etc. ✨🤲🏼 So it seems the solution is a combo of the 2. However, as a flow girl trying to firm up her schedule I find I have to firmly stick with my schedule for now while I’m training myself towards it. I have to establish that habit FIRMLY before I can afford to allow myself to have moments and flow and be confident that I’ll come back as scheduled. Flow is a slippery slope for me. 😂

It’s funny because this issue plays out more widely than just calendars and productivity. The same debate comes up in the yoga community. Should we follow a regimented sequence practicing some prescribed order of postures each time, or listen to what our body needs each day flowing and lingering with wherever inspiration takes us? For me the same answer applies - combo is best. Because only practicing open flow allows us to avoid our most dreaded postures, which are often the ones we would most benefit from practicing.


And in everything... balance.

Well said.

That's quite interesting to think how the free-flowing expression of yoga also includes rigid, set structures.

Oh yes, it’s true. And some yogis will get into debates about the order and duration of the sequences, and whether one can change or omit things. As in, here’s what I’ve found works for me vs here’s what the ancients (aka others or the wise ones) prescribed. The ego weasels it’s way in everywhere. 😂✌🏽