Don't give up if something doesn't work out, even though you work together and value the flow of the group. Keep in mind that the more you move forward, the more you can accomplish, and the more you adapt to each other, the more your creativity will flourish and your productivity will increase.
Do you think that proverbs that emphasize the importance of being together and acting together, which have not lost their influence from past to present, only emphasize the convenience of doing a job with others; or do you think they may contain deeper meanings?
What's in one hand is in two hands, together by hook or by crook, hand in hand with the windmill... and we are sure that the message of many other proverbs that create the same meaning that you can think of is actually the same: There is strength in unity.
Yes, there is more. Although it is not a new concept, group flow or social flow, which has managed to gain an important place in the business world in recent years, explains that any work done alone, an idea put forward, an idea or project that is being developed cannot be as efficient as in a group.
In other words, acting in a group can create more powerful and productive effects. Group flow and unconscious creativity Flow is an intense process of mental absorption that increases our awareness of ourselves and our surroundings and brings out attention and creativity. In other words, it is the optimum state of consciousness that allows us to do our best when we focus on the task at hand.
Group flow is a more powerful version of this optimal state of consciousness that occurs in a group. According to many studies, flow is a phenomenon that can be achieved by an individual alone, but is much more effective when it occurs in a group. It is a well-known fact that the whole is bigger than its constituent parts; therefore, group flow is bigger, stronger, more effective and, most importantly, more functional than individual flow. Because it is the collective perspective that reveals how both the individual and the group experience and process the flow.
Just like a soccer team in a sports competition. Think of it this way; even though each soccer player on the team is individually strong, equipped, and talented, what makes the team successful is that they act together with the other players; in other words, they perform as a group for a common goal and progress with the support of each other while doing so.
It is a phenomenon that exists not only for a sports team or for the competitors in the same team competing collectively, but also for all of us in our social environment and work life in daily life.