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RE: How Do You Stay Productive?

in #productivity6 years ago

I found myself nodding in recognition as I read this @lukestokes... much of the recognition coming from a long history of self-employment, much like yourself.

Like you I loosely "suffer" from what my wife and I jokingly refer to as "Too Many Interests Syndrome." Which is a tongue-in-cheek way of saying that the lives of independent polymaths tends to be an endless challenge of balancing the multitude of things we get involved in.

I'm by no means perfect, but I'll share a couple of things that have helped along the way. Maybe they'll resonate, in some way.

I did a review of what I was doing and asked myself whether I was doing each thing simply because I could, and it had become a habit or was I doing it because it truly felt meaningful and like I was adding value. We get in the habit of doing certain things simply because they are familiar, and UNLESS they are crucial to your financial bottom line, ask yourself "Why?"

Next question: "Are you putting your energy into Plan A?" Maybe that sounds like a no-brainer, but sometimes we get stuck in a pattern of striving to organize all our lesser projects because "when I get that done, I'll have time to fully concentrate on Plan A." We can make sense of that logically, but there's the intangible that we're actually giving our best creative energy to plans B, C, D and E...

This may not apply to you, but I also sometimes get caught up in "Organizatis," which is that I spend more time trying to work out time saving systems for all my projects than actually working on those projects. I have had to be very vigilant about that... and accept that yes I CAN work on "the main event" even if there are some lesser loose ends hanging open.


Great summary, thank you. :)

It's so easy to fall into the familiar. It's safe. It's easier. It doesn't involve risk or struggle.

The really important stuff is usually much more difficult. If it was easy, it wouldn't be that important for us to do as anyone could do it.