Karen Handel win in GA was boosted by pro-life votes because she OPPOSED PLANNED PARENTHOOD. But when Watching the cable news today, almost no mention about major Democrat loss.

in #pro-life7 years ago (edited)

Karen Handel win in GA was boosted by pro-life votes because she OPPOSED PLANNED PARENTHOOD. But when Watching the cable news today, almost no mention about major Democrat loss. Instead, they talked about how unpopular Republicans are. Well then lets talk about Rino and Soros funded, Hillary, ISIS supporter JOHN McCAIN and his Russian Collusion in 2008 race .


Democrats and Republicans are idiots, none of the care about American or the citizens.Democrats did not learn from Hillary's loss, they still cater to their corporate overlords and not the people.

#WarrenSanders 2020

Lost my respect for these 2 politicians. Sanders caved to Hillary. And Warren with Scott Brown orginated the stock Act then after Scott Brown was voted out Warren voted to repeal the stock act . Phonies.

Name one politician who is not a phony? If we must be lead by these people, then I would rather it someone who don't turn my stomach every time I hear or see them. This last election cycle was the hardest for me to watch and vote in, and I still regret my vote.

We the people need to lead ourselves. United we stand . Do not listen to Dc. Do not fund DC. Do not vote for DC.
Boycott DC and all NYSE co's associated with these careless pos congressmen and women

I saw this... I get emails from Life News! This is great!!!

Got to love it.