Know how much the World Cup trophy could be!
Italian sculptor Silvio Ghajjnika designed the World Cup trophy In 1970, when the trophy was confirmed in 1971, it was created by Ghajjnika in 1971, winning Brazil's trophy for the third time. After that the cost was 50 thousand dollars. But the glory has increased over time with this trophy.

Increased financial value
Increased financial value Currently, the World Cup gold trophy is worth about $ 10 million. Some gold will be left after the gold of this price is bundled with two hands! This trophy is built on a malachite base. Its height is 36.8 centimeters and the weight is 6.1 kg. It used to be 5 kg gold of 18 carats. Its height is 13 centimeters in the height of Malacite. According to the current market, the financial value of the trophy is only $ 1.5 million.

However, this trophy has value beyond the financial value.
However, this trophy has value beyond the financial value. In all, which is not less than $ 10 million. West Germany conquered the first time in 1974 after the launch. Germany won the trophy three times Argentina, Italy and Brazil won twice. Spain and France won 1 time.

This year
This year, the World Cup will be awarded a total of $ 400 million. Among those teams that will be champion will receive 38 million dollars.