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RE: How can we increase mathematical and technological literacy for the general population?

in #private8 years ago

Great topic! But I agree with @buddha that "reading comprehension and critical thinking" are key to teach at school and universities.

I studied computer science and philosophy at a German Technical University. This institution has been a "breeded facility" for Hitler's engineers, and after the war the British enforced that humanities need to be teached at that place (TU Berlin). There, I also enjoyed lectures and seminars with Weizenbaum. Well, my own story may not be that interesting here, but what I want to emphasize: True technical achivements and innovations are always done in a broader context, and by people who see beyond the technical details. Maybe this will affect your upcoming "must learn" subjects?

In addition, one more thought: Maybe we simply have to live with the fact that less and less people will have a job. So-called knowledge workers may be become automized soon as well. Lets prepare for that, write some integration tests, and make sure that we can refactor society just in case.