They Are Listening. Your Privacy Is Gone. It's Not Coming Back Either :(

in #privacy6 years ago (edited)

They are listening!!!

In this modern society we take a lot of our technology for granted. Everything we need or want is at our fingertips. The amount of information we can get just by a "Hey Siri" or "OK Google" is astounding. It may seem like these are great free services, but they do come at a price.

Our devices listen to us. The first time I saw it, it literally scared me stiff. I froze, and mumbled something like "Whoa!" My wife asked what was wrong. It really did take me a few seconds to respond because I was caught so off guard.

Here is the story. I needed some new black undershirts. I went to Walmart but only found packs of undershirts that came with 2 black and 3 grey. Since I didn't need any grey shirts I did what a lot of us do. Amazon here I come!

I got home and my wife started to make dinner. I proceeded to open the Amazon app on my phone to look at black under shirts. Of course I found some, I mean really what can't you find on Amazon? I put the shirt pack into my cart and began the check out process. At this time my wife calmly said "Can you run to the store and pick up taco shells? We only have three left." I agreed and finished up buy my shirts.

At the end of the check out on my order screen is where I froze. At the bottom of the page was a very eerie ad. OLD EL PASO TACO SHELLS-- Amazon Fresh--

{Note} This ad came only about one minute or so after the word TACO SHELL was said... They are very fast!

What? Why? How? I never searched for taco shells or anything similar on Amazon. The closest thing I have bought like that from Amazon is paper towels. They had to be listening. Listening to not just me, but listening to my wife from across the room. I was in the family room, and my wife was in the kitchen.

I don't believe I responded to her request for taco shells with using the word "taco shell" Just like any normal person I probably said, " Sure, I'll run to the store for you." It's not natural for me to say. " I will go get the taco shells you have requested" Or something like that. My phones mic most likely was able to pick up her voice from the kitchen next to the family room.

So after my eye opening encounter with Amazon I did of course go to the store and purchase some Old El Paso Taco Shells. Not from Amazon, but from my local grocery store.

What scared me so much about this was every other app I have asks if it can use the camera or mic. These are apps that usually need these items to function. The Chase mobile bank app is a good example. It needs to use my camera when I deposit checks form my phone. As far as I remember I never gave Amazon permission to use my camera or microphone. (I'm sure somewhere in their 8 million page EULA there is something there, or at least I would hope)

This is the future and we are fast entering it. Privacy is all but gone. Living with no privacy is the only option we seem to have if you want all the modern day tech. I do enjoy the convenience of tech, I just would rather it not be spying on me at all hours of the day and night.

What other apps or devices are watching and listening to us? Everything we have is becoming SMART. Smartphone's, Smart TV's, Smart Washer and Dryers, Smart Refrigerators. The list can go on and on.

What I found out from the Amazon app I'm sure is just a small sliver in what information is being collected and probably sold about us. The only comfort I take is that I am one person in a sea of over 6 billion. Hopefully my info is lost in all the other info being collected and won't come back to bite me in the ass. After all there could be a lot of damage to me if someone sold the info that I needed taco shells a few days ago.

Be safe and be mindful of what you put out there in the world. Chances are someone, somewhere can see it.


Damn. In the future they will be nothing like practical.

I always feel like somebodys watching me.

This Brave New World (Order) can be quite scary sometimes!

I think about that all the time. I always knew that they could see and listen to everything we do or say. It's probably worse than you ever would imagined. We are well into the new age. They are looking for us to get adapted to it fast, and we are. Very very scary!!!

The listening ain't shit. We have been & continue to be programmed by these corporations. We are all on devices a lot like, all the damn time. The fact that they can hear us at all times is not what they care about. Do you really think some suit has time to tune in to all the people using devices to shop, just to see what they are shopping for so they can suggest Taco shells? I don't. That's just the stuff they want us to think about while they program us to want old El paso Taco shells, and iPhone 12's and TV with 10 million pixels (like it matters).
Nice post though, I hope it opens someone's eyes to the BS around us.

I think everyone agrees to that when they turn on a cellphone for the first time

People are very careless about privacy, they just think that data collected by the companies will not effect them by any means but they should know better. If Hackers and tech guys are the only people aware about the issue we can help others to see things better, but most of the people are bad listeners and are also very bad thinkers.
RIP society

I think this is just the beginning. Check out the China social credit system... scares the hell out of me.

This is an alarming story! However, I'm not surprised. We're living in the ultimate consumerist era and companies are eating it up.

Very disturbing, but it brings a tough issue to light. Thank you for sharing.