Prevent jet lag

in #prevent6 years ago


Who has already traveled at least once from one-time zone to another knows how difficult it is for our body to adapt to the new rhythm. Jet lag can afflict anyone who crosses time zones in a short time, the tourist as the businessman. Here are some simple steps to overcome this annoying time zone syndrome.

Jet lag is a malaise due to the alteration of the circadian rhythm which, in turn, is responsible for the wake-sleep rhythm. Those who suffer are tired and have trouble sleeping. Other related symptoms are irritability, asthenia, difficulty in concentrating or even gastrointestinal problems. Sometimes it takes a few days to recover from jet lag.

Once you arrive at your destination and especially if it is a business trip it is important to get back into shape soon. But sometimes the same symptoms of jet lag can occur even when working at irregular hours and night shifts. Fortunately, there are some simple remedies to minimize the effects:



The first measures can be taken already with the planning of the trip: since at the end of a trip the body needs rest try to arrive at your destination in advance, ie one day before and not directly the day when you have to be at the top of your form. Also, set the clock on the new time already at the time of departure.


Avoid foods with a high content of carbohydrates, such as pasta or potatoes, because they fatigue the body and instead take more protein contained in foods such as meat, eggs, red lentils or lean ricotta. These foods give energy to the body and keep you awake. Do not eat rich and heavy meals before going to sleep. In addition, after a long journey, drink plenty of fluids to counteract the dehydration due to dry air on the plane.



If you travel westbound, on arrival, many people suffer from exhaustion because often in their hour zone it would be already evening or night. However, you must avoid sleep during the day so the body can more easily get used to the new sleep-wake rhythm. To counteract the production of melanin, the sleep hormone, one must stay as much as possible outdoors and avoid the dark places. Also in the days before the flight, it would be good to go to bed, for a few consecutive nights, one or two hours later than normal habits. On the other hand, if you are traveling to the east, it is quite the opposite: you have to go to bed earlier. Thus the physique will gradually adapt to the new time.


In the case of sleep disorders, it is necessary, as far as possible, to avoid taking sleeping pills. Alternatively, you can practice some relaxation techniques such as autogenic training or progressive muscle relaxation of Jacobsen. It may be useful to take a walk because the movement helps to break down stress. Who does not want to go out can simply try to drink a cup of chamomile which, as is well known, has a beneficial calming effect.

Insurance protection for travel abroad


In the event of an emergency abroad, basic insurance reimburses, at most, the double amount of costs that should be incurred for treatment in the canton of residence. With regard to outpatient treatment, in many cases, basic insurance coverage is sufficient. On the other hand, for stationary care and treatment outside Europe, this coverage is not sufficient, so it is advisable to take out COMPLETE TOP and INJURY supplementary insurance policies. In the event of illness or accident abroad, they supplement the basic insurance or accident insurance, assuming full costs for outpatient and inpatient treatment and costs for medically necessary transport in Switzerland. You will find more information about SWICA insurance solutions here.