Sometimes things just fall into place....

in #prepping9 months ago

Some things just need to happen to get moved out to the homestead permanently. I need to be able to mill some trees into lumber, so I can use them in some of the homestead construction.

I lost a 3 foot diameter white oak on the homestead, and had to cut it down for safety:
It is approximately 80 feet tall, and has a lot of lumber hiding inside it. I need to get that lumber out, so I can use it on the homestead building construction.

A good friend from Florida sent me this video:

I have most of this stuff already, lacking only one significant piece. I needed the strap that 'powers' this wood mill, but I had never seen anything like this item.

I have told people that GOD directs me in a number of ways. One way is when a project is fast tracked with all the unusual things needed to finish said project. I was thinking about making a strap to power this saw mill by using an old bicycle inner tube.

Then I found this:
We have a local bin store, that sells returns and surplus item they buy by the pallet. On Wednesday, they clear it out by selling everything that's left for $0.50 each. That's when I like to go, because things are leftover that no one knows what to do with. I got a still sealed solar charge controller on one Wednesday, that is identical to the ones I've already bought...always fun!

I bought this 3 foot long rubber band there, and now I can build this mill with what I have here. Obviously, I'm supposed to make this sawmill...I'll let you know how it turns out!

I need some 18 foot long 4" by 8" beams for the glazing on the Walipini roof. These beams will be easier to transport if I cut them right on site! Then the winch on the Gator will drag the beams up into place at the apex of the Walipini. There will be 17 of these to cover the 60 by 16 foot glazing span! If I'm lucky, I won't have to touch these beams to place them....



How interesting! Many times, and it happens to me too, we need something specific and it seems that by magic appears just what we were looking for when in reality the universe or God works to bring us just that. Those forces are inexplicable and great.

I'd love to hear how the sawmill goes when you start doing it.

Big hugs!🤗

Yup, he smooths the way for all of us! I'll post this when I get it done.

Got this by text:

It about covers it!


I totally agree with that message, Einstein knew a lot of things.

He was a smart Man for sure!!!


Yes it was...

I'd love to just sit and talk to him! That would be a lot of Fun!!!


I would love it too, we could learn a lot!

Great video! I'm sending it to my daughter. We've got wood to mill too.

I'll keep an eye out for another huge rubber band! I like this because it can cut, while I stack and sort. The large beams I need are prohibitively expensive, as well as hard to transport!


Very impressed with the self-propelled mill. I am also very interested in the progress on your construction, and will look greatly forward to your next post.


Too cold right now, but soon! Meanwhile, I keep planning and drawing up what's needed. Plan to grow food and fish all year long in the walipini!


Men of action are the pointy tip of the spear of freedom and prosperity that it is my earnest hope feeds humanity by their own hands and efforts sooner, rather than later. The more I hear about your plans and work, the more interested in it I get.

I'm planning to have a community of about 20. For Long term survival. Most people plan for 2 to about 6 people, but that just not enough to handle all the jobs including security.

The trick is to plan well and not miss important things! If you do mess up, you have to be able to make what you forgot, to fill that accidental gap.

It is important to find people that have a good work ethic. You can train a worker, but you can't get a lazy person to Work! I have 8 so far, and I have a plan in place to find the rest.

Be blessed!


"...but that just not enough to handle all the jobs including security."

This is very true.

This is missed by most preppers...too many lone wolves will not survive!


It was the most important takeaway from the Bosnian war for me. I realized that goodwill, not any physical good, was existentially important in hard times, because the dedication of good people can overcome any lack, but no plethora of stored goods could overcome the lack of good people dedicated to your survival.

Thanks for the share! I hope whoever needs this information; finds it now.


There are several instances that God has been directing us so many times and it is quite interesting to see it unveil

He is active, we just need to listen and follow what he wants!


Thanks for the share!



I hope it will reach the people that need it!


The heart is much happier by working hard and helping others

True, I've been sick this month; so the trip to the homestead today wasn't very productive. Cooking ten gallons of food will be harder for me than normal this time! Hope it works....


Yes, making food is not easy. Get well soon

Totally Nice good job😊

Thought someone might gain from this. Got to move forward!


Quite diverse ways just as you said that God always direct us but the issue about us is we most time ignore God direction

We are indeed a stiff necked people! We have to learn to recognize his direction first. Most fail here....
When you do recognize his directions, it becomes easy to follow his plan!

Be blessed.
