I was talking about the chainsaw mill in this post, but I have plans for a wind generator too. I've been designing a new style wind generator for a decade, but I'm down to the drawings now.
Since I have a machine shop, it will be under construction soon. I'll buy a commercial wind generator to get wind power quickly, but the new one will make a lot more power.
That's going to be great!!
I love to build new things! It's fun making something that has never existed before. On paper, it's 6 times more efficient than current designs!
I understand you, I love designing!
I have several dozen patents from doing that. It has been a wild Ride!
What a genius! What a trip!
No, I'm just an engineer in the medical field; who likes building new equipment.
It was a real trip, I enjoyed it!
That is the most important thing, enjoy the journey and the process.