I have said in the past that if our country was involved in a nuclear war that I would wish I was right at ground zero so it would be a quick end. You see, I guess I bought into the idea of nuclear war as it was presented to me in the movies. As I've done some research into that possible scenario I have since learned that it is very survivable depending on a lot of different factors and it isn't a bad idea to have some of that information and preparations in place just in case. Now, although we live in a day and age where nuclear warfare is possible I don't think it is probable. I think the risks are far too great and, in most cases, mutual destruction should prevent this scenario from playing out. That said, I put nothing past the psychopaths that run the show. A more probable scenario would be a power plant meltdown or even a dirty bomb attack. In both of those scenarios, the information contained in this article would also be helpful in increasing your survivability. With all of the saber rattling going on in geo-politics, who the heck knows what will happen? At least we have a front row seat.
Thanks for sharing! I've often heard friends and family tell me that if something like this happens they'll just die, because living would be too much. Really? That's insane! I have kids, giving up is not an option, so it's up to me to be as well informed as possible and as prepared as possible. We need more preppers on Steemit sharing how-to, news, tips, tricks and practical solutions!
I wish even my enemies a nuclear war as the after effects lasts for generations.
The CDC is preparing for a nuclear blast
The question is, not; Why did it take the CDC so long to make a plan?, but; What department should already have this plan in place?
"Public Health Response to a Nuclear Detonation," where federal, state and local officials will detail what preparations have been made in case of such an event.
"While a nuclear detonation is unlikely, it would have devastating results and there would be limited time to take critical protection steps," reads an excerpt from the CDC's website detailing the briefing. "For instance, most people don’t realize that sheltering in place for at least 24 hours is crucial to saving lives and reducing exposure to radiation."
Who is the local resource officials that know what to do?
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