
What - you don't believe in scientific inquiry? I've never seen Ben Davidson "sell" anything but conferences for scientists to deliver lectures on their work. The earthquake prediction app costs hardly cover its development & research and has made thousands of people be more prepared for natural disasters before they occur. Can't say I agree with you, but you're entitled to your opinion nevertheless.

It's all a false flag, he is only selling his disaster app and pure science denial. Science that can't be put to a test because they are psychotic about only presenting or allowing supporting data. They (not just ben) don't allow opinion, they ghosted my account and set trolls to attack because I challenged his assertions that solar flares caused all the hurricanes this season even though the flares came after they all reached cat 4. His app doesn't prepare you for anything, even if it was accurate which it isn't, knowing that a 8 quake might hit somewhere along the coast of Mexico in the next two weeks would do what for you?

He banned over 2 dozen accounts today alone, I saw him delete any comment that call him out on using false data (over 39) to support his opinions. The channel lists 300k subs only 25k views for the biggest solar event of the past 12yrs, only 1200 likes and 30 dislikes. No channel on youtube has legitimate numbers like that, just isn't statistically possible for a channel that is proposing opposition to both climate science and earth quake prediction from solar events.

You don't have to agree but I'm just laying out the case for any that stumble apon your promotion, suspecious0bservers is going to get people killed by listening to that alternative reality.

Suspicious Observers has been subject to YouTube demonetization by banning, manipulating subscription lists, likes, etc., just as most conservative/anti-fake news sites have, and are continuing to experience. The establishment media/corporate interests - including Google/YouTube who've been bought & paid for to obscure the truth and promote banality - are desperate to sell their "New World Order" BS to the unaware sheep.

I know this won't affect YOUR beliefs, nor do I care to dispute them or attempt changing your mind. Like I said, many of my brothers in combat gave their lives to protect that right you are entitled to. Your beliefs are up to YOU, and only you are responsible for the consequences of your beliefs and actions (or inaction, whichever the case may be).

But for those who may be reading this, here's a link they may find informative and enlightening:

I don't have "beliefs" I base my opinions on facts and scientific testing. I observe and investigate, I follow the money and watch the manipulation live. How do you tell a genuine source from a con artist? You watch to see which comments and accounts they delete, you trace the IPs, follow the manipulation and you analyze the innuendo. Suspecious0bservers is a honeypot false flag, pure manipulation is not truth, (the fact that they overstate and misstate findings and summaries of papers they cite would be proof enough.)

You are wrong, suspecious0bservers is a sponsored fake climate news outlet, their claims are fictitious. Except for the demonetization, they are guilty of padding their numbers and fake science (youtube demonetized many fringe channels to retain the cash, not some grander conspiracy but simple economics.) The Russian hack of social media last year triggered many responses by youtube to mitigate liabilty for promoting false science, conspiracy and basic nutjobbery for profit. Youtube is scum because the manipulate everyone for their own benifit but that doesn't make channels like s0 any more valid.