Preparing For The Future Part 4

in #prepping8 years ago


Whether we receive EMP from the sun as solar flares or EMP from man made devices the results will be the same. We may even have volcanic eruptions from supervolcanoes such as Yellowstones volcanoes that have been dormant for eons of time. Whether future events are natural or manmade it will be up to the Individual as to whether you survive or die.The events can be national or worldwide but effectively speaking they will be felt worldwide.


Make no mistake the wealthy in the world are preparing for scenarios such as has been laid out in these articles. They have purchased properties all over the world and have spent millions and millions preparing and equipping them for this future.I don't have those millions and millions and must do what I can do where I presently live to provide a future for me and my family. Me and my family have been traveling the road of self preservation for sometime now. We do not know what the future holds not can we be sure that what we have done and are doing will be effective in this future hell in which we will be forced to live but to do nothing is unacceptible to us.

Expect some follow up somewhat homespun articles to follow

Follow @coalrollin
