Stamina too - running and hours of walking. This is an area where I struggle. I was in tip top shape then life happened including a lung operation that just wiped me out. Took me a long time to fully recover. Getting back into shape now that I've put on some pounds is something I must do. I need to be as strong and energetic as I used to be. Otherwise, everything I share with others is for their survival, not mine. Thanks for this excellent post. Very well presented. I look forward to Part 2!
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Yeah the Stamina | Speed | Flexibility | Endurance | Strength aspects will be covered in Part 2, that will be the focus within my Functional Fitness (Prepper Fitness) side of things.
Sounds like you've been through the mill! Hope you're all better now and things are on the 'up'!
Keep going, keep focussed and keep motivated.
Good Luck.
Sounds like I'm really going to benefit from your posts. I bet others are too.