I think the media is even trying to give prepping a bad name. Our immediate prepping has been for the upcoming closure of the automotive industry here, which will put my husband and thousands of others out of work in a couple of months. It's going to be a hard time to find new work. This is a perfect example of how prepping helps even for small events; it doesn't have to be a huge doomsday scenario.
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Precisely! Most families face a job loss, medical emergency, or adverse weather. While people call preppers "crazy" when, to me, it is crazy NOT to prepare for events that are highly likely to occur.
Isn't it funny how things have changed in just a couple of generations? It used to be normal to prepare for unforeseen things.
Absolutely! We are now a society that is completely dependent on others and have separated ourselves from the sources of our food and other necessities. It is a scary thought what might happen should there be a major catastrophic event.
I can tell you from firsthand experience that the media tries to give a bad name. I have done many interviews and they will try to trip you up in the questioning, take you out of context, or whatever they can do to make you look bad or sensationalize the story. It's very difficult to steer them on focus to the real message. Reality shows are even worse. They flat out stage things and have you say things that aren't true. But bad publicity is better than no publicity. It's up to the community to promote a good image and show the public the truth whenever they discover us despite what the media says.
You are definitely right about loss of work. Prepping isn't just about apocalypses and end of the world scenarios. More realistically it's about everyday disasters like losing a job. Thank you for the comment! Upvoted and following
Thank you.
You're quite right. Prepping is simply about looking after yourself in many ways and not just assuming you can fall back on government. They used to call it saving for a rainy day, didn't they? 😉