Y'all gonna die doin' whatcha doin'.
If you are new to prepping, you probably haven't heard of SouthernPrepper1 )AKA David Kobler. Maybe you saw him on Season 1 of Doomsday Preppers. If you watched Doomsday Preppers, he was part of the Practical Preppers, with engineer775 AKA Scott Hunt. He is no longer with Practical Preppers, but he still does his own consultation, videos and is working on building a training center.
So, when it comes to the prepper community, he's got a good finger on the pulse of what is going on and he knows a little bit more than the average Joe.
Apparently, SouthernPrepper1 was with someone somewhere during some sort of patrolling training and he saw something he didn't like. I don't know if he told the person to their face or not, but I guess when you put out a YouTube video, you might as well tag the person's name on it that you are addressing. However, in this case, this issue is probably going on with plenty more people and groups than SouthernPrepper1 deals with himself. Therefor, this is basic sound advice for anyone.
The only issue I have with this video is that SouthernPrepper1 really doesn't give you a solution to the main issue:
How do you know if you are being trained wrong?
If you are new to any sort of combat or reconnaissance training, how do you know if the guy who looks like he just stepped out of Call of Duty is legit or not? I suppose you could go by reputation, but I hear of a guy who managed to get people to throw in thousands of dollars into his prepper retreat before people started realizing he was just a con-man. What would someone, who is new to this aspect of self-reliance and preparedness to do?
I really don't have the answers, because I have a feeling that in TEOTWAWKI, things will start to sort themselves out quickly. Those who can lead will come to the front and those who can't lead will have a bunch of dead followers. If you aren't already living in a prepper community or have a bug-out location (not that I am for or against such a thing), you are better off taking SouthernPrepper1's advice below.
If you don't have any training or are not sure what to do, then your best bet is as follows:
- Bunker down.
- Fortify your position.
- Stay where you are.
Of course, if you want to try to search out people of like mind in the self-reliance preparedness since, you can always find something like Prepper Camp and go from there.
Yep, I'm definitely familiar with him as well as Doomsday Preppers. I put out the casting call for many of the people who went on that show. Lot of good peeps I've met at the various expos around the country.
Are you coming to Prepper Camp?
I would like to, but I will probably be in the Philippines around that time
Good article. Are you going to Prepper Camp? Also, you look familiar. I watch a web TV show called Politically Correct. Is that you?
Yes. I post those videos.