Lol I'm getting there with the food. If I wasn't so backed up I reckon I could out eat him easy. I wonder if that is the case with the constipation? If so then I suppose I don't mind too much.
The bladder though.... 😭😭😭😭
I've mastered the zombie walk to the loo. The whole routine I can do with my eyes shut ~ I've got it down to muscle memory now.
Is that a skill?
Boast what you can; let's call it a skill! 😆
I only had small babies. Maybe you're growing a bruiser in there. 😂😂
Posted using Partiko Android
Then I've got mad skilz 😂😂
Ohh God I hope I'm not growing a bruiser. My whole homebirth decision was based on the guess it'll be a little bub cos were not tall people. 😱😱😱😱
Gonna have to discuss possibilities with our midwife...