... yes, you just said it! Congratulations on finding out that you are expecting! It's one of the happiest, most exciting and somewhat shocking moments in a woman's life.
If you were planning on getting pregnant, like I was, seeing the pregnancy test turn positive is such a rewarding moment. Your life is about to change radically, so you may even be in shock for a brief moment, but that will pass once this great news sinks in.
First things to do:
- Call your OB/GYN or Midwife to inform her and schedule your first prenatal visit - she will want to know the first day of your last period, so have that ready.
- If you haven't already, start taking prenatal vitamins (more info on a separate post).
- Limit your caffeine intake to max. 200mg per day - this pretty much means only one 12 oz cup of Joe per day!
- Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
- Be happy :)
I'm sure you are now dying to get those reads on pregnancy. The following books are what I read and they are great, especially because they guide you through the weeks/months of pregnancy, telling you what to expect, what the common symptoms are and how big your little bundle of joy is.
What to Expect When You're Expecting, by Heidi Murkoff and Sharon Mazel
Your Pregnancy Week by Week, by Glade B. Curtis and Judith Schuler
The Healthy Pregnancy Book, by William and Martha Sears
I also downloaded a few apps to keep on my phone:
Pregnancy & Baby | What to Expect, by Everyday Health, Inc.
The Bump | Week-by-Week Pregnancy and Newborn Tracker, by The Knot, Inc.
My Pregnancy & Baby Today | BabyCenter, by BabyCenter
What you can expect the next few weeks:
- Fatigue and sluggishness.
- Drop in appetite.
- Metal/Iron taste in your mouth - this is due to increase of blood flow.
- Nausea.
- Headaches.
- Light cramps and spotting - this is very normal as the embryo nests itself into your uterus, so don't worry if you see pink -brownish spots in your underwear. Call your OB/GYN or Midwife if the cramps are severe and you are experiencing light red or heavy bleeding.
- Mood swings and irritability.
- Sensitivity to certain smells and/or foods.
You may also begin to worry about everything and Google will become your new best friend. Try to keep calm and think positive. A zen mind and a healthy body is what your little one needs. If you're a gym and spa goer like I was, it's best to stay out of hot tubs, saunas and to stop practicing hot or bikram yoga to avoid overheating your body. Take it easy in spin classes and keep your heart rate below 120 bpm and lift lighter weights. For now, you want to focus on giving your body the break and energy it needs to grow a human!
Make sure you stay hydrated (up to 3 liters of fluid per day) and try to eat even if you can't stomach it.
Congratulations! This is the such an exciting time in your life! :)
This is a brilliant post! It is very informative and hits a lot of important points that are worth knowing. If only I saw a post like this when I found out I was pregnant. :)
I felt the same way! I had no one to tell me where to find information! So, for all my friends who are currently pregnant or TTC, I write these posts. :)