Natural remedies for pregnancy, birth and post-partum

in #pregnancy6 years ago (edited)


Growing a new life is a huge responsibility for a mother. We are advised what not to eat, what not to drink and should problems arise what medication we can/cannot take. Which is why I would always opt for homeopathy before conventional medicines.

With the countdown to baby number four getting ever closer (due 21st December), Christmas organising and our second daughters 15th birthday on the 27th....

(That tired me out just writing it!)

I am more than ever dreaming of the perfect homebirth. Having done pregnancy and birth 3 times already, I feel that this 4th time I truly want to embrace being in control and I am keen to get myself prepared mentally and physically. Both before and after birth.

So my birth preparations have started, and I wanted to share with you the huge benefits of homeopathy that can help with common pregnancy complaints (such as sickness, heartburn, SPD), help with progress of labour (Breech baby, cervix not dilating), and also post-partum (delivery of the placenta, healing, breastfeeding issues).


Homeopathy is an option that most women don’t know is available to help them cope with the various stages of pregnancy, birth and post-parting.

💜 The three stages of labour:

  • First stage: when contractions gradually open up the cervix, which is the neck of your womb (uterus). It consists of early labour, active labour, and the transitional phase
  • Second stage: when you push your baby out into the world.
  • Third stage: when you deliver the placenta.

Homeopathy is safe and effective in the treatment of the newborn, strengthening immunity from the start. Homeopathy can also effectively treat problems encountered with breastfeeding for both mother and child.

💜 What is Homeopathy and how does it work?

Homeopathy is a gentle but powerful system of medicine that uses the body’s natural processes to stimulate healing, effectively, naturally, safely and holistically. It recognizes that symptoms of ill health are the body’s way of expressing disharmony within the whole organism (the person) and that it is the patient that needs treatment not the disease.

Homeopathy is safe, gentle and non-invasive. The remedies are made from a range of substances, such as plants and minerals, and are highly refined to the minimum dose required to stimulate the body’s own natural healing systems, so they are non-toxic with no danger of overdose, addiction or side effects. They are safe for use in pregnancy, and can be used by any age group, from newborn babies onwards.

💜 Some common examples of uses:

This remedy is often indicated for relief of soreness that comes from physical exertion and muscle strain. It is also useful for soreness after labor and delivery, and for hemorrhoids that follow childbirth

The first remedy suggested for helping a breech baby turn head down in utero. Can also be used for lack of progress during labour.

This remedy may be useful for indigestion, heartburn, stomach pain, and constipation during pregnancy. A woman needs this remedy usually is impatient, irritable, and chilly.

Contrary to popular belief, aches and nerve pain brought on by pregnancy tends to be in the pelvis and back, not around the sciatic nerve. Most women who think they have sciatica during pregnancy actually have pelvic girdle pain. Pelvic instability and symphysis pubis pain (where the two pubis bones at the front of the pelvic girdle are unstable and can rub together) seems to be increasingly common during pregnancy. In any case whether it’s sciatica, pelvic girdle pain, or symphysis pubis instability, one of these remedies might help:
Bellis Perenis: is used for nerve pain in the groin during pregnancy that makes the legs collapse
Trillium Pendulata: can also be used for symphsis pubis pain and instability during pregnancy.

A full list of pregnancy, birth and post-partum remedies can be found here:

Having homeopathic childbirth remedies with you during and after labour is a wonderful way to be prepared to meet both your needs and your baby’s. For the upcoming birth of your baby having your Childbirth kit means you will have the main remedies you’ll need close to hand. Buy it at least four weeks before the due date to give you time to study the leaflet, ahead of the birth.
The Childbirth Kit + Guide to Homeopathy for Childbirth help you, and your baby, enjoy a natural and safe third trimester. Later, when the time comes for child birth (including C-section delivery) your kit will be invaluable. The high potency remedies included gently stimulate your body to dilate well, have strong effective contractions and provide long lasting, side effect-free pain relief during birth. Postpartum remedies allow you and your baby to recover quickly, settle smoothly into breastfeeding and get down to the business of really getting to know each other.”

Helios Childbirth kits are available to order by telephone Tel: 01892 537254
or email:

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