THE DRAWING: The Simpsons predicted the future see facts that happened in today's times

in #prediction8 years ago


The predictions that The Simpsons have already made let anyone get carried away with the conspiracy theories of standing hair. At various times, throughout its 27 seasons, it is possible to find in the drawing some scenes and episodes that were able to predict events of the future.

From clever clocks to mutant tomatoes to Donald Trump's victory, Springfield was the scene of great successes in the future of mankind. So we have brought a list of the most frightening predictions revealed by the amarelinhos until today.

Donald Trump to win!


In March of 2000 the episode "Bart to The Future" aired and in it the character Lisa Simpson assumes the presidency of the USA after the mandate of Donald Trump. In the Oval Office she says that the country "inherited a huge debt" and that "the country was broken". In 2015 a new episode with Donald Trump aired and in 2016 the screenwriter of the series stated that Lisa's phrase was a warning to the United States

Smart Watches


In the episode "Lisa's Wedding," in season 6, Lisa's boyfriend had a smart watch that even made calls! It was 1995, guys!

Video conference


Ainda no mesmo episódio, em 1995, Marge e Lisa aparecem em uma chamada de vídeo. Apenas em 2010 a Apple lançou o Face Time, que possibilitou essa previsão.
Spell check fail



E por falar em Apple, em 1994 esse palmtop já nos alertava para os problemas que nós enfrentaríamos anos depois com os corretores ortográficos. Nesse caso, “Bater no Martin” virou “Comer a Martha” e a previsão não poderia ser mais assertiva!

And speaking of Apple, in 1994 this palmtop already alerted us to the problems that we would face years later with the spell checkers. In that case, "Hit the Martin" turned "Eat Martha" and the forecast could not be more assertive!

Miley Cyrus Clip


Would Homer Simpson in 1994 have inspired the clip of Miley Cyrus in 2013?

Tomatoes mutant because of radiation


The episode of 1999 reports that the radiation altered the tomato plantations, generating mutant fruits. 14 years later, news reports that the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan, which occurred in 2011, gave rise to tomatoes with very strange shapes.

Well friends of steemit to other episodes in the simpsons that demonstrate facts of the past that has happened in the present times but if I were to seek more information I would spend all day searching for these predictions of the past in the simpsons that has happened in the future ie in the times Of today a mere coincidence or I do not prefer to keep an eye on everyone.


Fantastic Apples :))
Makes you wonder!?

Truth, thank you for viewing my post.

very true

True events of the past that make us think