My Prayer To Find Myself

in #prayer7 years ago

I promise to find me, to LIVE me, to love all of me before I leave this body.  

To be brave and face the truth that is me.  

To let go of any belief, any dogma, anything that keeps me from who you created me to be.  

To experience all of me!  

And as I choose to love me, I draw ever closer to You, Papa.

As I draw closer to You, I see even more of me  

An ever circling circle  

You and I   

I and You  

Becoming one  

Like it has always been  

Like I now realise, is true

Before I wandered.  

I return, I promise  

I now #LiveLifeDeliberately



Thank you for sharing this amazing prayer! Much needed! Following you, follow back! Happy New Year! Best wishes from Australia :)