Why Should We Pray?

in #prayer7 years ago


Sometimes God brings us to situation where the end is not always in sight. We might have been praying for so long already and yet the results are still light years from happening. It is during these times that we must pray for the grace to trust in our God who knows what He is doing. Pray, hope and don’t worry.

There is no stronger force known to mankind than for a human being to get down on his knees and ask God for guidance. Prayer is the most powerful form of energy one can generate. Prayer is a force as real as terrestrial gravity. It supplies us with a flow of sustaining power in our daily lives.

One thing we learned in life, that prayer is the best shield against all trials. A heart to heart talk with God will lessen our burdens for He will never say no to those who believe in Him.

Put our dearest wish on God today and discuss it freely with Him as we faithfully pray. For there is no problem too big and no question too small. Just ask God with faith and He will answer them all for us in an appropriate time. So, be patient and just wait, for God never comes too soon nor too late. Trust in His wisdom and believe in His words, for no question is unanswered and no prayer is unheard. Peace be with you.

A tree that has deep roots can survive a violent storm. Much as a person with deep faith can survive any problem that comes along his way. God’s strength is best seen in our weakness. The best thermometer of our spiritual temperature is the intensity of our prayers.

God never ignores the hardship we endure, the labor we do and the prayers we lift to Him. He sees, He knows, He understands, He blesses us more than our heart can contain. Great is His faithfulness.

God knows what your silent heart wants. Even you don’t include it in your prayers, He hears what your heart whispers. And He may not give it to you now but someday, when you least expect, things will happen in the best possible way.
Never ever grow tired of doing good to others. Never ever stop sharing your blessings for you never know how many persons are looking up to you and see you as their inspiration. Keep moving, keep praying, your life matters, your smile counts, stay happy.

God is a great accountant. He knows exactly how much you have and how much you need at any given moment. You may think, God answers prayer for other people, but you don’t know if He will for you. Just try Him, for He knows what you need even before you ask Him.

When you pray for others, God listens to you and blesses them. When you are happy and feel blessed, remember, someone has prayed for you too. Life is all about giving and receiving. Whatever goes out comes back.
When challenges are so big that we feel our strength is not enough to carry on, keep on praying, God’s grace will keep you going.

Prayer teaches us to wait, clear our vision, calms our hearts and strengthens our faith. It’s our easiest way to God, it lets us grow like the sunrise but be humble like the sunset. Always have a prayerful heart.

Never get tired of praying and being kind to others. Hold on to this virtue tightly and let it always be the motivation of your good heart for that is the image of the heart of Jesus.

Source: GodisOnline Journal

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