Three weeks ago I made a post about prayer [does prayers truly works or is it just to fulfil all righteousness ] and this is a sequel to the post. Although I have wished to make this post before now but I could not for some reasons.
In my last post we saw that prayers still works but there is an important factor we can not leave out while talking about the prayer that works. This factor is the YOU FACTOR. it has to do with the role you have to play before your prayers is being answered.
John 8:11 ".... Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more."
This statement was made by Jesus to the woman who was caught in adultery. After Jesus saved hwe and forgave her sins, Jesus gave her a responsibility which is, "go and sin no more. " It is expected of her to live a decent life after that scene for her forgiveness prayer to stay permanently.
It is foolishness to pray to God to heal you from diabetes while you eat pounds of sugar daily and packets of chocolate. God is not a fool.
Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
You can pray to God for a husband and still act hostile to every man that comes your way. It doesn't work that way.
You can have retentive memory if you only pray for it and refuse to read. When you don't read you obviously do not have anything to retain in your head.
You don't pray for a good wife and still you won't talk to that fine girl in your church. Holy Spirit won't do. The talking for you. Even the Bible said," he who finds a wife." So it's your job to look for her, and after you find her make her become your wife.
God will answer your prayers when you ask him to give you money but you have to get up from bed. Shake away laziness and go find some work to do. Even the Bible hates sluggard.
God promised Abraham a child and Sarah too. They were too old to have a child when the promise was fulfilled. If they both had not played their part of making love, little Isaac wouldn't have been given birth to.
Every David has a part of picking stones to play in defeating the giant. I hope to still write about this topic very soon. God answers prayers, it's our duty to make it work. Have a good day..
Prayer works!
Yes it does