in #prayer5 years ago

READ: 1 John 5:14-21
Key Scripture: We live in the bold confidence that God hears our voices when we ask for things that fit His plan (1 John 5:14).

Some people ask the question, “Does God really answer prayer? Or does prayer really work?” Your response to these questions has a lot of influence on your prayer life. It affects if, when, where and how you pray. Those who pray always are those who believe that God always hears them. The power of prayer rests in the faith that God hears it. That is the faith that gives you courage to pray. There is a difference between when you are praying to be heard and when you are merely fulfilling a ritual. When you are fulfilling a ritual, you don’t have any expectation, and the prayer doesn’t affect you. In that kind of prayer, your heart is not connected to God. But a prayer said in faith affects and changes the one saying it. What is faith in this context? It means, God will hear me. No matter what your past experiences are, you need to develop that confidence that will make your faith productive