Thoughts on Practice Matches an starting out.

in #practice4 years ago
Authored by @Citarre


-- Practice matches --
How many players use this function? Do you or have you at the beginning? I'm really curious here.

In the past few days, I found that my win percentage is sadly lacking and in the Bronze leagues with around a $200 dollar investment I find that I wish I had better cards or strategies way too often. Just trying to get into Bronze II leaves me stressed some days. Sure, if I wasn't renting out a huge portion of my investment, things would be way easier, truth be told.

So when you rent a few new cards. Did you try them out in practice matches or just dive into the League play and hope for the best? Honestly, often I just do the dailies or try to and move on to other stuff. Have you also found the one or two cards that do the most for you with your current cards? How long did that take or are you doing that continuously?

I've recognized a few things to work on in the next few days:

  • Things for me to still work on is maximizing my card powers to investment.
  • Better opponent parsing of previously played cards.
  • Watching the battles play out.
  • Searching for card deals I can't pass up.
  • Finding a Guild

Thanks, was my 1st post. How did it read and any suggestions?


Hello @citarre! This is @indayclara from @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) team. We saw that you already posted your first post here in Hive! Congratulations and welcome!

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Splinterlands, not sure if the Hive forum talk about several other games...