A Single Seed: Coming Home


There's just something about coming home that makes us feel safe. The comfort, the memories, the people, it's a beautiful part of life that can provide a secure base when nothing else will do the trick. For most of us, we can tell countless stories about the places in our houses and what happened in certain corners, chairs, or tables. The mundane can become so much more than that when we look back and realize that wherever our place of residence was saw us through change, transformation, trauma, and healing. While listening to a podcast this morning, I heard something that flipped this entire narrative though. Instead of the typical "home is where the heart is" quip, the host offered this nugget instead:

"Heart is where the home is."

I loved this. It's so true, and so powerful. The things we feel from our memories in our homes or spaces aren't tied to the physical space necessarily, they're tied to where we feel them: in the depths of our hearts. Sure, places are still great for jogging our memories and giving us the warmth of physically being in the seats or spaces where we spent so much time. But those memories were stored in the heart. A place some may argue is more powerful than even our monkey brains. When you hear about decision-making strategies, you rarely hear "follow your brain". Following your heart rarely leads us astray, and even if it does, it's a risk that's worth taking.

Think about your memories over the years, the good and the bad. The laughter and the tears. You can still access them wherever you are. Even if you're not home. Because in reality, the warmest home is inside of you.

"A Single Seed" is my attempt to get out one idea every day that I've learned or accumulated over the years, with the hope that it may stick in someone else's memory bank as well. The idea may be related to fitness, business, life, or philosophy, but I think you'll find that many can change domains if you wish them to. With each seed planted, a new life awaits.

Image credit: https://www.pexels.com/photo/white-page-of-graphing-paper-with-red-heart-drawing-920938/