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RE: Strength is BUILT not BORN!

Love your take on this subject.
I was once told by my boss that if something is bothering you, get up and do something about it.
All too often we feel that their is no solution to a problem and feel defeated. I for one need to address a situation, and even if I fail, I feel better to have tried. How does the old saying go, Better to have tried and failed than to never have tried at all.
One thing that I find is that a strong person NEEDS to be a good listener.
If one is ever going to be able to deal with any stressful situations they must first be able to fully digest what the real issues are. This will not happen without listening first and then come up with a solution.

I believe that if you feel that your environment creates your thinking, you have already lost the battle.
"And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should." Desiderata, by Max Ehrmann @idig in a recent post, asked the question,"Does your thinking create your environment or does your environment create your thinking?