find peace... stop. look around. what do you see?
There was a knock at the door, not quite sure what to expect, but anxious with anticipation I decided that opening it should be something I’d need to consider. After seconds of careful consideration, I did. The creature standing before me was definitely not someone, or rather something you would consider inviting to a dinner party.
Its expression was somewhat disturbing to say the least, although I just was not sure whether that was indeed an expression or whether it just looked like that...It did or said nothing, it just stood there for a while, eventually after not much, it handed me a note, and disappeared as mysteriously as it had arrived.
I opened the note and on it in tiny bold letters were written the words,
“I’ll see you later”.** there more?
@littlewaveccc yes there is, this is an excerpt from the full :-)
lets see it :-)