Yes, because IE was not built according to any standards used by other browsers...see, that's what monopoly can cause. They were once so big till the point that they don't even have to care about standards, lol. And it is also true that MS had stopped giving out security updates for IE, so for sanity's sake please use a better browser :P
The toolbars are a good addition to IE in the very ancient times (IE6) because it is so barebone that you cannot find it pleasant to live with. So, people invented helpers to attach to it and boost their own business at the same time. Of course they got abused and you know what happened next.
Personally I don't know Acer...but HP does comes with a lot of bloat (including games which I think are trail versions) and I happily nuked them away because why wouldn't I. One of the most annoying points of their tools will be the fact that they have processes in the background and of course you won't like that on a low-powered CPU. Anyways, it's not like you use them every day either. So, nuked
I did altered Windows...In fact, I reinstalled the entire system. The preinstalled OS was replaced with a vanilla installation of Windows 10 with the ISO provided by my school, and of course, Linux. Then, I further slapped the vanilla installation of Windows with more tweaks such as DestroyWindows10Spying...if that counts as modification? Lol. Anyways, they are still helping me so it should be fine anyways. This thing has only about 1 month of warranty left so we can forget that very soon as well :P
Oh, approximately 2 parts more. I originally thought that it will only take 2 or 3 parts but it seems that I am so wrong, lol.