Old-Guys reply was that you actually love me and tolerate him barely. Oh, if he only knew. That was in response to my Quill really loves you!
What's not to love, right? Your carnivorous manfriend is fighting with a mailbox right now, food barely in his thoughts. I said barely. My guessing is akin to Voodoo science, doncha know.
Well, I may try to give it a whirl, but, then you need to push in a #MarketFriday someday. ;) whoever said this isn't vote for a vote is lying. Kidding!! I never vote for anyone. Seriously, dude. WTH am I rambling about?
#MarketFriday ... I'm in.
Fair warning though. The first time I entered one of Ol' Guy's #MonochromeMondays, I managed to (without even trying) violate every single rule of the challenge. Moreover, it was clear that my lawlessness appealed to others and the anarchy began to spread. Ol' Guy had to lay down the law:
Apparently ... I'm a bad influence.
Here's the link: