How Should You Share Your Ideas?


"Visualize Value" has been one of my favorite creators for some time now. His illustrations/messages are concise, powerful, and relatable for nearly everyone alive in some way. If you're posting on Hive, you too are a creator, and the content you put out is hopefully a direct reflection of an idea that's bottled up in your mind.

However, for every idea we write about, we have about a million that go unpublished. Many of these that don't get acted upon are goldmines that may never get released from the crevices of our brains. Visualize Value posted a line about this recently, which I think nearly everyone reading this can benefit from:

How to never benefit from your ideas: keep them in your head.

Keep sharing. Keep creating. Don't hoard your gold.

"A Single Seed" is my attempt to get out one idea every day that I've learned or accumulated over the years, with the hope that it may stick in someone else's memory bank as well. The idea may be related to fitness, business, life, or philosophy, but I think you'll find that many can change domains if you wish them to. With each seed planted, a new life awaits.

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