Photography - Macro Pictures,Astronauts,Being Isolated and Corona Diary

in #powerhouscreatives4 years ago (edited)

Photography - Macro Pictures,Astronauts,Being Isolated and Corona Diary


Xiaomi Mi8

Today is the 20th of April, Sunday,the 33th day of our stay at home with my family because of the Corona Virus. Today i want to write about four famous astronauts and their isolation methods(actually three of them.)

Christina Koch has achieved the title of “the longest woman in the space without interruption”. Last month, after being isolated for so long, she returned to the world on February 6, 2020. And let's see what happened to the first news she encountered in the world? Due to a pandemic epidemic, we have to quarantine you at home for an indefinite period of time. Welcome to the world!

Nowadays everyone in the world is forced to learn astronautics. The name of the book written by Chris Hadfield, a Canadian ex-astronaut 7 years ago, has become more meaningful to me now: An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth. The subtitle is, "What did teaching me about going into space, creativity, determination and preparedness for everything?"

Chris Hadfield offers 4 things for a productive self-isolation:

-Understand what the risks are! Just don't be afraid of things. Get a good understanding of the risks you are facing right now, using trusted sources.

-Determine your goal, purpose. What do you want to do today, this weekend, next week. Finish what? What to complete?

-Review your obstacles. How are you financially? What are the external factors that affect using your time correctly?

-Take action. After understanding the risks and obstacles and setting the target, it's time for action. Start doing something. There may also be things you have never done before. Starting a new project, learning to play the guitar, learning another language, reading, writing, dealing with something creative. These days are an opportunity to try something different that you have not done before. This is not just his advice to play guitar, he is the first person to play a video clip by playing the guitar in space.

An astronaut Matthias Maurer from the European Space Agency ESA has also quarantined himself at home today. He says he is preparing for the race to go to the Moon, which is about to start again. The title of the book in hand is "The value of the Moon." How can we use lunar resources for exploration, life and success in space? ”

Even in such a period, while someone struggles with near-term threats, others continue to think and design the medium and long-term future. Matthias is responsible for the development of the lunar training facility at the astronaut center in Cologne, Germany. This responsibility is carried out with the tools that we all have now. The simple library behind it, the computer in front of it, and most importantly, through online meetings with its teammates. He says that after he is done, he is reading a book. Do you see the book he read and recommended? The classic work of Jules Verne is "20000 Leagues Under the Sea." In other words, it is the story of people living isolated from the outside world. Meanwhile, astronauts are getting under water training as they prepare for the mission, and he says that he spent 16 days underwater. Meanwhile, he is also trying to learn Russian because, after 1.5 years, he will also go to space and spend 6 months with Russian cosmonauts.

Retired astronaut Scott Kelly must have been one of the most experienced names in the world in living isolated life in space. He was also in space for a full year without interruption from Christina Koch. He spent a total of 520 days in space as he went and went 4 times to date. He also has a book called Endurance. On quarantine days, he gives us the following recommendations:

-Plan your whole day. Because normally our school and business life is also planned. Lessons and breaks have a certain hour. He says that while he is staying at home, he should make a similar plan and stick to that plan.

-In addition, he said, include plenty of fun activities in that plan. He says that he has been watching movies with many friends in the night, and that he has even finished the Game of Thrones series. Two times.

-Pay attention to your sleep. One of the things the control center on the ground followed in space was one of the most closely followed about astronauts was their sleep pattern. Because the quality of sleep affects our level of consciousness, our mood, and our relationship with other people.

-Apart from that, he also reads books, spend time with friends online, listen to the experts, and he repeats the recommendations that everyone has said, but there is another suggestion that I want to underline.

-Keeping a diary. We are going through extraordinary days. We have extraordinary experiences. Writing these day by day is important in terms of having experiences that we can relax and transfer to the future.

Now I know that you are all trying to connect macro photographs with these stories. Photography seems simple, but it is a business with rules. Following the rules and patience is the essence of photography. Isn't it just like what we should do while isolating ourselves to protect ourselves from virus?

Dear friends, I have compiled such interesting information for you today. These days will pass and we will continue to live in more beautiful happy days. Don't bother and stay home stay happy.

And i want to write about editing tool,these pictures were taken by Sony Xiaomi Mi8 and edited by just Snapseed app.It is free and really easy to use. If i edit pictures on my phone i generally use Snapseed,Kuni ,VSCO and Pixomatic apps.But if i use my computer for editing i prefer to use Photoshop.






Xiaomi Mi8

Have a nice and wonderful day for everyone who loves and to be loved and take care yourself.

All photos and drawings are belongs to me and for sale in HQ digital format for Hive/Hive Dollar, please contact if interested at discord @mnallica

CameraXiaomi Mi8

Hi, i am Mustafa...I hope you enjoy my works my friends and if you like please reblog and upvote my works to support me...!!