Really wish they made it more clear...

in #power8 years ago

...that steem power cannot be converted back for TWO YEARS.

A big red warning sign on that page would be nice.

I know it's still in beta but they really should give everyone a second chance before the meta to undo their steam power and then in the future do the big red warning sign.


"Undo". No. This is against all principles of crypto. And you would kill the market. The whitepaper is clear. Take responsibility for your actions.

absolutely. if unsure, ask or do some due diligence. it's your fault OP.

Newbies don't read the whitepapers and that will turn off a lot of people if the first thing they do when they get here is get their money locked up. It needs to not be in a .PDF file. It needs to be on the same page. That just makes good sense. Plus, were in the beta, I would think the only time it's acceptable to undo would be when something is in experimental mode and is clearly a trap right now for new members. While SP is important, I wanted to put a smaller portion of my money into it and keep the other in some other alt coins.

Someone is mad they don't get to sell when price went up.

You'll be thankful in 2 years that the site didn't let you divest it all at once, don't worry.

that's the best thing. I'm a lousy trader when it comes to decisions, so it's actually great I got them locked :D

Actually I have 1,000 steem coins i've been holding onto on bittrex. I don't plan on selling any for atleast another 4-6 months depending on the price. I only put .5 btc into SP but i still think thats too much.

I guess you powered up. Now you have no choice but to contribute to make the most of your earning power. It's not that bad...

I was going to do it anyways. I just wanted to put like.... 100 steam into SP, not 400.